


Geology (Chinese and English)


Jia Wu

Personal Profile

College of Geosciences


Associate Professor



Research Areas

1. Oil and gas geochemistry

a) Hydrocarbon Generation Mechanism under The Interaction of Inorganic Fluids and Deposited Organic Matter in Different Redox States (Basic Research)

b) Hydrocarbon generation kinetics (applied basic research)

c) Geochemical behavior of molecular markers (basic and applied basic research)

d) Non-destructive pressure determination and composition analysis of liquid phase closed systems (basic research and applied basic research)

e) Mechanism of internal drive force of primary transport (basic and applied basic research)

2. Development and utilization of fossil energy

a) Status of trace elements and biomarkers in sedimentary organic matter (basic research)

b) Exploration of basic theories on zero-emission utilization of fossil fuels (basic research and applied basic research)

c) Separation law mechanism of heavy oil and shale oil in the mining process (basic research and applied basic research)


[1] 2.J. Wu*, and K. Koga (2018) Direct analyses of fluorine in aqueous fluids extracted from 1-GPa experiments. Chemical Geology, 502, 44-54.

[2] 3.J. Wu*, Z. Ni, S. Wang, and H. Zheng (2018) Anin-situ Raman study on pristane at high pressure and ambient temperature. SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 189, 215-220; doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.07.026.

[3] 4.J. Wu*, S. Wang, and H. Zheng (2016)The influence of ionic strength on carbonate-based spectroscopicbarometry for aqueous fluids: an in-situ Raman study on Na2CO3-NaCl solutions. Sci. Rep. 6, 39088; doi:10.1038/srep39088.

[4] 5.J. Wu, Z. Li, and X.C. Wang* (2016)Comment on "Behavior of Re and Os during contact between an aqueous solution and oil: Consequences for the application of the Re-Osgeochronometer to petroleum" Geochim. Cosmochim.Acta 158 (2015) 1-21, GeochimicaEtCosmochimicaActa, 186, 344-347.

[5] 6.J.Wu*and K.T.Koga(2013) Fluorine partitioning between hydrous minerals and aqueous fluid at 1 GPa and 770–947 °C: A new constraint on slab flux. GeochimicaetCosmochimicaActa, 119(0): 77-92.

[6] 7.J. Wu and H. Zheng* (2010) Quantitative measurement of the concentration of sodium carbonate in the system of Na2CO3-H2O by Raman spectroscopy. Chemical Geology, 273(3-4), 267-271.
