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[1] 刘建军, 武国宁, 陈小民. 基于Matlab的高等数学实验式教学演示设计[J]. 内蒙古师范大学学报:教育版, 2016(4).

[2] 柳潇雄, 刘建军. 抽油机运动纪律的剖析新探——对悬点冲程盘算的进一步探讨[J]. 化工治理, 2014(26):40-40.

[3] 刘建军,数学史在高等数学教学中的案例研究[J],公海彩船学报(社科版,教育专刊), 2011

[4] 刘建军,从数学头脑史的角度设计大学数学绪论课[J],公海彩船学报(社科版,教育专刊)2010


[1] J  Liu,  Zhai R ,  Liu Y , et al. A quasi fractional order gradient descent method with adaptive step size and its application in system identification[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, 393,125791. (SCI,IF:5.589)

[2] Dong S,  Zeng L,  Liu J, et al. Fracture identification in tight reservoirs by multiple kernel Fisher discriminant analysis using conventional logs[J]. Interpretation, 2020,16(1):103-115. (SCI,IF:2.581)

[3] Liu J,  Zeng M ,  Ge Y , et al. Improved Cuckoo Search algorithm for numerical function optimization[J]. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2020, 13(5):1-13. (SCI,IF:1.575)

[4] Dong S,  Zeng L,  Lyu W , et al. Fracture identification by semi-supervised learning using conventional logs in tight sandstones of Ordos Basin, China[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2019, 76:103131. (SCI,IF:2.249)

[5] Dong S, Liu J, Liu Y, et al. Clustering based on grid and local density with priority-based expansion for multi-density data[J]. Information Sciences, 2018, 468: 103-116. (SCI,IF:5.692)

[6] Liu J, Xu X, Cui X . An accelerated nonmonotone trust region method with adaptive trust region for unconstrained optimization[J]. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2018.(SCI,IF:2.589)

[7] Shaoqun Dong, Jianjun Liu, et,al., Clustering based on grid and local density with priority-based expansion for multi-density data, Information Sciences, 468:2018.SCI, IF: 5.652

[8] Wang Z, Gao D, Liu J. Multi-objective sidetracking horizontal well trajectory optimization in cluster wells based on DS algorithm. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering.2017. (SCI, IF. 1.655)

[9] Liu J, Wu C, Cao J, et al. A Binary differential search algorithm for the 01 multidimensional knapsack problem. Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2016.SCI, IF. 2.291

[10] Liu J, Zhang S, Wu C, et al. A hybrid approach to constrained global optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 2016, 47:281-294. (SCI, IF=2.857)

[11] 刘建军, 周廷英. 一种基于局部密度的网格排序聚类算法[J]. 盘算机应用研究, 2016, 33(11):3279-3283.

[12] 黄炜霖, 刘建军, 张明,. 带有退火和杂交变异头脑的刷新粒子群算法[J]. 盘算机工程与应用, 2015, 51(19):43-49. (中文焦点)

[13] Liu J, Dong S, Al E. Estimation of Archie Parameters by a Novel Hybrid Optimization Algorithm[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2015, 135:232-239. SCI  IF:1.56

[14] Liu J, Zhu H, Ma Q, et al. An Artificial Bee Colony algorithm with guide of global & local optima and asynchronous scaling factors for numerical optimization[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2015,37(C):608-618. SCI IF:2.98

[15] 刘建军, 石定元, 武国宁. 基于Kent映射的混淆混沌优化算法[J]. 盘算机工程与设计, 2015(6):1498-1503. (中文焦点)

[16] 刘建军, 许令周. 基于概率加权共轭梯度算法的混凝土超声波层析成像[J]. 盘算物理, 2015, 32(3):293-298. (中文焦点)

[17] Liu J, Wu C, Wu G, et al. A novel differential search algorithm and applications for structure design[J]. Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2015, 268(268):246-269. SCI IF:1.65

[18] Liu J, Xu H, Wu G, et al. A New Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for the Estimation of Archie Parameters[M]//Optimization Methods, Theory and Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,2015:137-154.

[19] Liu J, Teo K L, Wang X, et al. An exact penalty function-based differential search algorithm for constrained global optimization [J]. Soft Computing, 2015:1-9. IF: 1.43; SCI

[20] Jianjun Liu, Yuan Li, Xinrui Wang, et al. A Two-phase Methodology Heuristic Insertion Algorithm for TSP[J]. 盘算机科学与手艺汇刊:中英文版, 2013, 2(4):62-68.

[21] Truijens M, Wang X, Graaf H D, et al. Evaluating the Performance of Absolute RSSI Positioning Algorithm-Based Microzoning and RFID in Construction Materials Tracking[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 2014(3):265-265.SCI IF:1.08

[22] Liu J, Hou L. A Discrete Firefly Algorithm for the scaffolding modular construction in Mega Projects[C]// ISARC. 2014.

[23] 许令周, 刘建军. 大地电磁概率成像的一种刷新要领[J]. 青岛大学学报:自然科学版, 2013, 26(2):40-43. (中文焦点)

[24] 刘建军, 韩帅, 石定元,. 基于牢靠宽度直方图的漫衍预盘算法的一种刷新[J]. 太原都会职业手艺学院学报, 2012(8):147-149.

[25] 刘建军, 卢以水, 王全洲,. 量子粒子群算法在测井反演诠释中的应用[J]. 工程地球物理学报, 2012, 09(2):151-154.

[26] 王慧颖, 刘建军, 王全洲. 刷新的人工蜂群算法在函数优化问题中的应用[J]. 盘算机工程与应用, 2012, 48(19):36-39. (中文焦点)


[1] 数据剖析算法及应用实践,石油工业出书社,2020

[2] 高等数学,中国人民大学出书社,2020

[3] 最优化要领及应用案例,石油工业出书社,2014

[4] 线性代数,公海彩船出书,2013

[5] 高等数学,北京理工大学出书社,2010

[6] 高等数学训练册,北京理工大学出书社,2010


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