















[1] CO2作用下致密储层的力学特征与压裂痕网形成机制实验研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目). 2018.1-2020.12

[2] 陆相高频相变页岩储层可压裂性测井评价要领研究(十三五国家重大专项使命). 2017.1-2020.12

[3] 干热岩基础力学测试剖析. 2018.5

[4] 单轴力学试验等测试. 2018.5

[5] 古中央隆起带基岩储层物性与力学性子外送样品剖析. 2018.2

[6] 压裂液与储层相互作用实验项目. 2017.7

[7] 岩石力学实验外委测试模拟(致裂). 2016
[8] 二氧化碳岩石破碎机理岩心物模实验. 2016
[9] 页岩露头压裂模拟实验. 2016


[1] Zou Yushi*, Li Ning, Ma Xinfang, Zhang Shicheng, Li Sihai. Experimental study on the growth behavior of supercritical CO2-induced fractures in a layered tight sandstone formation. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2018, 49: 145-156. (SCI)

[2] Zou Yushi*, Li Sihai, Ma Xinfang, Zhang Shicheng, Li Ning. Effects of CO2–brine–rock interaction on porosity permeability and mechanical properties during supercritical-CO2 fracturing in shale reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2018, 49: 157-168. (SCI)

[3] Zou Yushi*, Ma Xinfang, Zhou Tong, Li Ning, Chen Ming, Li Sihai, Zhang Yinuo, Li Han. Hydraulic Fracture Growth in a Layered Formation based on Fracturing Experiments and Discrete Element Modeling. Rock Mech Rock Eng 2017 , 50: 2381-2395. (SCI , Top 期刊)

[4] Zou Yushi*, Ma Xinfang, Zhang Shicheng, Zhou Tong, Li Han. Numerical Investigation into the Influence of Bedding Plane on Hydraulic Fracture Network Propagation in Shale Formations. Rock Mech Rock Eng 2016, 49: 3597-3614. (SCI , Top 期刊)

[5] Zou Yushi*, Zhang Shicheng, Ma Xinfang, Zhou Tong, Zeng Bo. Numerical Investigation of Hydraulic Fracture Network Propagation in Naturally Fractured Shale Formations. Journal of Structural Geology 2016, 84: 1-13. (SCI)

[6] Zou Yushi*, Zhang Shicheng, Zhou Tong, Zhou Xiang, Guo Tiankui. Experimental Investigation into Hydraulic Fracture Network Propagation in Gas Shales Using CT Scanning Technology, Rock Mech Rock Eng 2016, 49: 33-45. (SCI , Top 期刊)

[7] Zou Yushi*, Ma Xinfang, Zhang Shicheng, Zhou Tong, Economides Christine, Li Han. The Origins of Low-fracture Conductivity in Soft Shale Formations: An Experimental Study. Energy Technology 2015, 3(12): 1233-1242. (SCI)

[8] Zou Yushi*, Zhang Shicheng. Experimental Method to Simulate Coal Fines Migration and Coal Fines Aggregation Prevention in the Hydraulic Fracture. Transport in Porous Media 2014, 101(1), 17-34. (SCI)

[9] Ma Xinfang, Zou Yushi*, Ning Li, Ming Chen, Yinuo Zhang, Zizhong Liu. Experimental Study on the Mechanism of Hydraulic Fracture Growth in A Glutenite Reservoir. Journal of Structural Geology 2017, 97: 37-47. (SCI)

[10] Li Ning, Zhang Shicheng, Zou Yushi*, Ma Xinfang, Wu Shan, hang Yinuo. Experimental analysis of hydraulic fracture growth and acoustic emission response in a layered formation. Rock Mech Rock Eng 2018 , 51(4): 1047-1062. (SCI , Top 期刊)
