











chenxuyue2011@163.com; chenxuyue@cup.edu.cn




[1] 深部凸型蹊径井底岩石破碎力学与内凹型单牙轮-PDC复合钻头提速机理研究(5217041589),国家自然科学面上基金,2022-2025,主持

[2] 水平井射流磨钻头破损钻屑与提高钻速的机理研究(51804322),国家自然科学青年基金,2019-2021,主持

[3] 页岩气水平井射流磨钻头与钻井提速新手艺(2017ZX05009-003),国家科技重大专项子课题,2018-2020,主持

[4] 页岩和致密油气田高效开发建井基础研究(U1762214),国家自然科学团结基金,2018-2021,手艺认真

[5] 水平井射流磨钻头优化设计与提速机理研究,校引进人才启动基金,2017-2020,主持

[6] 非通例油气水平井射流磨钻头高效破岩手艺研究(SXCU-201903),陕西省非通例油气勘探开发协同立异中心开放基金,2019-2020,主持

[7] 深层页岩气水平井射流降压钻头高效破岩与钻井参数智能寻优手艺研究(PLC20210404),成都理工大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室开放基金,2021-2023,主持

[8] 高温高压水平井要害手艺研究,中海油科技项目,2017-2020,主持

[9] 高温高压裸眼测试井液流态与清井流动参数研究,中海油科技项目,2018-2020,主持


[1] 海洋石油平台空间高效开发要害手艺研究与应用, 中国海洋工程咨询协会, 科学手艺特等奖, 2019.

[2] 海上油田清静高效井筒故障处置惩罚要害手艺研究与应用, 中国石油和化学工业团结会, 科技前进二等奖, 2019.

[3] 东海大斜度井钻完井要害手艺及工业化应用, 上海市人民政府,科学手艺二等奖, 2020.


[1] Xuyue Chen, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. Unlocking the deepwater natural gas hydrate’s commercial potential with extended reach wells from shallow water: Review and an innovative method. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 134: 110388. (SCI,中科院大类一区,IF=16.799)

[2] Xuyue Chen, Xu Du, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. Developing offshore natural gas hydrate from existing oil & gas platform based on a novel multilateral wells system: Depressurization combined with thermal flooding by utilizing geothermal heat from existing oil & gas wellbore. Energy, 2022, 258: 124870. (SCI,中科院大类一区,IF= 8.857)

[3] Xuyue Chen, Tong Cao, Kaian Yu, Deli Gao, ea tl. Numerical and experimental investigation on the depressurization capacity of a new type of depressure-dominated jet mill bit. Petroleum Science, 2020, 17(6):1602-1615. (SCI,中科院大类一区,IF= 4.757)

[4] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao. The Maximum Allowable Well Depth While Drilling of Ultra-Extended-Reach Drilling from Shallow Water to Deepwater Target. SPE Journal, 2018, 23(1), 224-236. (SCI,中科院大类三区,IF= 3.602)

[5] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo. A Method for Optimizing Jet-Mill-Bit Hydraulics in Horizontal Drilling. SPE Journal, 2016, 21(2), 416-422. (SCI,中科院大类三区,IF= 3.602)

[6] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, and Yongcun Feng. Real-time optimization of drilling parameters based on mechanical specific energy for rotating drilling with positive displacement motor in the hard formation. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 35, 686-694. (SCI,中科院大类二区,IF= 5.285)

[7] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo. Optimal design of jet mill bit for jet comminuting cuttings in horizontal gas drilling hard formations. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 28, 587-593. (SCI,中科院大类二区,IF= 5.285)

[8] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, ea tl. A new method for determining the minimum gas injection rate required for hole cleaning in horizontal gas drilling. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, 21, 1084-1090. (SCI,中科院大类二区,IF= 5.285)

[9] Xuyue Chen, Honghai Fan, Boyun Guo, Deli Gao, ea tl. Real-Time Prediction and Optimization of Drilling Performance Based on A New Mechanical Specific Energy Model. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2014, 39(11), 8221-8231. (SCI,中科院大类三区,IF= 2.807)
