













[1] 主要从事油气成藏机理、油气资源评价等领域的研究和教学事情


[1] 大型湖盆高品貌烃源岩形成机理——以鄂尔多斯盆地延伸组为例,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2018-2021 ,认真人

[2] 致密砂岩储层微米 - 纳米孔喉系统石油充注的有用性及其成藏效应,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2015-2018 ,认真人

[3] 鄂尔多斯盆地长 7 段高品貌烃源岩形成机理,国家 “973” 项目配套课题, 2014-2016

[4] 二连盆地重点凹陷成藏机制及资源漫衍研究,华北油田委托项目, 2011-2014

[5] 高效自然气藏形成历程研究,国家 “973” 项目课题, 2001 - 2005 年

[6] 中低品貌自然气藏形成机理,国家 “973” 项目课题, 2007 - 2012 年,

[7] 海相碳酸盐岩油气资源评价要领研究,国家油气重大专项, 2008 - 2015 年

[8] 陇东地区延伸组石油运聚成藏特点与勘探潜力评价,长庆油田分公司, 2009 - 2011


[1] Zhe Cao, Jin Gao, Guangdi Liu*, Jingya Zhang, Yuhua Kong and Bin Yue , Investigation of Oil Potential in Saline Lacustrine Shale: A Case Study of the Middle Permian Pingdiquan Shale (Lucaogou Equivalent) in the Junggar Basin, Northwest China , Energy & Fuels 2017, 31, 6670?6688

[2] Zhe Cao , Guangdi Liu * , Hongbin Zhan, Jin Gao , Jingya Zhang , Chaozheng Li , Baoli Xiang , Geological roles of the siltstones in tight oil play , Marine and Petroleum Geology 83 (2017) 333-344

[3] PING GAO , GUANGDI LIU* , ZECHENG WANG , CHENGZAO JIA , TONGSHAN WANG and PENGWEI ZHANG , Rare earth elements (REEs) geochemistry of Sinian–Cambrian reservoir solidbitumens in Sichuan Basin, SW China: potential application to petroleum exploration , GEOLOGICAL JOURNA L ( Geol. J. ) 52: 298–316 (2017)

[4] Wei Yuan , Guangdi Liu * , Alan Stebbins , Liming Xu , Xiaobing Niu , Wenbin Luo , Chaozheng Li , Reconstruction of redox conditions during deposition of organic-rich shales of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China , Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 486 (2017) 158–170

[5] Zhe Cao , Guangdi Liu * , Hongbin Zhan c ** , Yuhua Kong, Zicheng Niu ,Dongshan Zhao , 2016 , Geological control factors of micro oil distribution in tight reservoirs , Marine and Petroleum Geology , 77 (2016) : 1193-1205

[6] Zhe Cao , Guangdi Liu*, Hongbin Zhan, Chaozheng Li , Yuan You, Chengyu Yang , Hang Jiang , 2016 Pore structure characterization of Chang-7 tight sandstone using MICP combined with N 2 GA techniques and its geological control factors , Scientific RepoRts | 6:36919 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36919

[7] Zhelong Chen, Guangdi Liu* , Xulong Wang , Gang Gao , Baoli Xiang , Jiangling Ren, Wanyun Ma, Qiong Zhang , 2016 , Origin and mixing of crude oils in Triassic reservoirs of Mahu slope area in Junggar Basin, NW China: Implication for control on oil distribution in basin having multiple source rocks , Marine and Petroleum Geology , 78 (2016) 373-389

[8] Jin Gao, Guangdi Liu*, Weiwei Yang, Dongran Zhao, Wan Chen, Li Liu , 2016 , Geological and geochemical characterization of lacustrine shale, a case study of Lower Jurassic Badaowan shale in the Junggar Basin, Northwest China , Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering , 31 (2016) 15-27

[9] Ping Gao, Guangdi Liu*, Chengzao Jia, Allison Young , Zecheng Wang, Tongshan Wang, Pengwei Zhang, Dapeng Wang , 2016 , Redox variations and organic matter accumulation on the Yangtze carbonate platform during Late Ediacaran–Early Cambrian: Constraints from petrology and geochemistry , Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 450 (2016) 91–110
