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[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:41972124)渤海湾盆地惠民凹陷深凹区岩性油藏异常低压形成机制与成藏效应)(2020-2023)

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:41472110):致密砂岩微观孔隙结构及流体性子对重大气水漫衍的控制作用 (2015-2018)

[4] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号:41072100): 砂岩透镜体含油气性转变特征物理模拟实验 (2011-2014)

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:40802029): 砂岩透镜体油气藏形成的动力学机制(2009-2011)

[6] 国家油气重大专项项目下设使命(编号:2016ZX05034-001):差别类型页岩气天生气理与富集纪律研究(2016-2020)

[7] 中石油重大战略相助项目(编号:ZLZX2020-0-022)鄂尔多斯盆地致密油-页岩油富集与展望):(2020-2024)

[8] 国家油气重大专项项目下设使命(编号:2011ZX05006-006) : 南堡凹陷深部油气藏成因机制与模式及其有利勘探区展望 (2011-2015)

[9] 国家973项目子课题下设使命(编号:2011CB201106): 塔里木叠合盆地深层碳酸盐岩油气成藏主控因素与油气富集纪律 (2011-2015)

[10] 中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田公司项目:莫西庄–永进地区地层压力特征及控藏作用研究(2020-2021)


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[3] 陈冬霞,刘雨晨,张郢.公海彩船(北京).使用致密砂岩微观孔隙结构确定气水关系的要领. 授权专利号:201510165844.6.2016-08-24

[4] 庞雄奇,姜航,陈冬霞.一种确定含油气盆地碎屑岩油气成藏底限的要领,授权专利号:2016. ZL201310009520.4

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[1] Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen*, Xianzhi Gao, Fuwei Wang , Sha Li , Ziye Tian, Wenzhi Lei , Siyuan Chang, Yi Zou. Evolution of abnormal pressure in the Paleogene Es3 formation of the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021, 203, 108601

[2] Fuwei Wang , Dongxia Chen*, Qiaochu Wang , Xuebin Shi, Mengya Jiang, Wenlei Du, Sha Li. Quantitative evaluation of sandstone carrier transport properties and their effects on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation: A case study of the Es3 2 in the southern slope of Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021 (126), 104937

[3] Guangjie Xie , Dongxia Chen*, Lu Chang, Jinheng Li , Zhijun Yin. Migration and accumulation of crude oils in the Qionghai Uplift, Pearl River Mouth Basin, Offshore South China Sea, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2021,205, 108943

[4] Fuwei Wang, Dongxia Chen* , Wenlei Du, Jianhui Zeng , Qiaochu Wang, Ziye Tian , Siyuan Chang , Mengya Jiang. Improved method for quantitative evaluation of fault vertical sealing: A case study from the eastern Pinghu Slope Belt of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021(132), 105224

[5] Qiaochu Wang , Dongxia Chen * , Fuwei Wang , Xianzhi Gao , Yi Zou , Ziye Tian , Sha Li, Siyuan Chang, Dongsheng Yao . Origin and distribution of an under-pressured tight sandstone reservoir: The Shaximiao Formation, Central Sichuan Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021(132),105208

[6] Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen *, Fuwei Wang , ,Xianzhi Gao, ,Xuebin Shi, et al. Attenuating gradient of residual stratigraphic pressure and its controls on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2021,196,108062. SCI

[7] Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen *, Fuwei Wang ,Jinheng Li , Wenhao Liao, , et al. Underpressure characteristics and origins in the deep strata of rift basins: A case study of the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Geological Journal. 2020, 55 :4079–4096.

8. Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen *, Xianzhi Gao, Fuwei Wang, et al. Microscopic pore structures of tight sandstone reservoirs and their diagenetic controls: A case study of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation of the Western Sichuan Depression, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2020,113,104119. SCI

[8] Fuwei Wang,Dongxia Chen *, Qiaochu Wang , et al. Evolution characteristics of transtensional faults and their impacts onhydrocarbon migration and accumulation: A case study from the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2020,120,104507. SCI
