

Student Affairs

A Letter to All International Students of CUPB



近期,面临突如其来的新型冠状病毒熏染的肺炎疫情,北京市已启动突发公共卫生事务一级响应机制 。为了起劲做好疫情防控事情,最大限度阻断疫情撒播扩散渠道,凭证教育部和北京市统一安排,学校研究决议,推迟2020年春季学期的开学时间,请务必不要提前返校,详细开学时间另行通知 。

 Currently, Beijing has launched the First-level Response Mechanism for public health emergencies. The prevention and control of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus has become the top priority. According to the unified arrangement of the PRC’s Ministry of Education and Municipal Government of Beijing, CUPB has decided to postpone the 2020 spring semester. All students are requested to not return to campus in advance. The specific resumption date and further related arrangements will be notified later.


1.学校实验严酷管控,关闭治理,在校学生只管少出学校,需脱离校园时须携带好自己的学生证或者带学生卡 。

CUPB implements strict control and closed management. Please go outside the campus less, if you are living on-campus. If you need to leave the campus, you must bring your student ID card or student card.


2.在校内住宿的学生,近期不要脱离校园,严禁私带职员回宿舍,榨取到别的宿舍,榨取去别的中国都会 。

Students on campus please stay in CUPB in recent days. It is strictly prohibited to bring personnel back to the dormitory, or go to other’s dormitories. It’s forbidden to go to other cities in China.


3.在校外住宿的同砚,镌汰出行,出门要戴口罩,做好防护 。 不要去中国其他都会 。

Students outside the campus in Beijing, please follow the relevant instructions and take good precautions, do not go outside. If you must go out please be sure to wear a mask. Don’t go to other cities in China.


4.在中国境内的其他都会的学生,只管不要返回北京 。校内住宿学生如必需回京,请提前三天提交信息,期待徐先生回复,并凭证学校相关划定举行14天隔离视察 。如在校外住宿,从中国其他都会回家后请自觉隔离视察14天,只管不接触其他人 。

Students in other cities in China, please do not come back to Beijing. For students who live on-campus, before you come back please submit the application 3 days in advance, wait for the reply from Miss Xu, and take the quarantine at least for 14 days as the school regulations. If you live off campus, stay in isolation for 14 days after returning home from other cities in China and try not to meet others.


5. 在中国境内的学生可以选择脱离中国,回到自己的国家 。校内住宿学生,离校前请在宿舍挂号 ;校外住宿学生,脱离中国前请微信见告徐先生 。出境后把自己已使用的登机牌照片或电子登机凭证截图上传至这一链接 。https://jinshuju.net/f/a5zm9y

Students in China have the option to leave China and return to your home countries. For on-campus students, please register at the dormitory before leaving; students  who live off campus, please inform Miss Xu by WeChat before leaving China. Everyone who has left China, please fill in the form and submit a photo of your used boarding pass or a screenshot of your electronic boarding credentials to this link: https://jinshuju.net/f/a5zm9y


6.在中国境外的同砚,请凭证学校另行通知的时间再行返校,如若已经预定机票,请改签或退票 。请自己决议改签日期 。有在三月尾开学的可能,但并没有确切新闻 。国际教育学院暂时无法给出更多关于改签日期的建议 。

Students outside of China are advised to return to CUPB according to the resumption date later. If you have already booked your tickets, please change it. Please change the date by your own decision. There is a possibility that classes will begin at the end of march, but no exact information yet. The College of International Education is unable to give further advice on the date now.


7.若是感应身体不适,请如实上报信息,实时前往医院诊治 。

If there is any discomfort, please report truthfully in the submitted information. Go to the hospital in time for treatment.


8.请各人只管天天审查一次自己的常用邮箱和公海彩船国际学生微信群新闻,如看到微信群中有新通知,可发到有自己同砚在的其他群聊,或者其他通讯软件的群聊中,资助更多同砚实时相识通知 。请各人如实、认真、完整填写逐日上报信息,真实回覆所有问题,有病情不得遮掩 。遮掩病情将肩负严重执法责任 。

Please try to check your common email and WeChat group messages of international students of CUPB once a day. If you see any new notices in WeChat group, you can send them to other group chats with your classmates or other communication software, so as to help more students know the notices in time. Please fill in the daily information truthfully, seriously and completely, answer all questions truthfully. If you are sick, please do not hide it. Concealing illness will bear serious legal responsibility.


9.请各人凭证相关要求实时接纳防护步伐,养成优异卫生习惯,镌汰不须要的出行,最洪流平减小熏染危害,在疫情防控眼前确保自身、家庭和校园的康健平安 。

The prevention and control of this epidemic is not only a matter of everyone’s health, but also responsibility and obligation of each person. We would like to remind everyone to raise awareness of prevention, maintain personal hygiene, always wear masks properly, avoid crowded places, and actively cooperate in any effort to prevent and control this epidemic.


10.最后,谢谢各人对疫情防控事情的明确和配合 。希望各人目今把防控视为第一要务,遵守纪律,听从治理,团结同砚,相互监视 。

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I hope you will regard prevention and control as the top priority, observe discipline, obey management, unite classmates and supervise each other.



College of International Education, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
