


Safety Precautions for the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday in 2021


During the holiday, students are required to strictly abide by the school's epidemic prevention and control regulations and do not go out unless necessary. Students living off campus are required to strictly abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations of their communities. All students in Beijing are not allowed to leave Beijing without permission.

Mid-Autumn Festival:The holiday lasts from September 19 to 21 for 3 days;Rest on Saturday, September 18.

National Day:The holiday lasts from October 1 to 7, a total of 7 days;Rest on September 26 (Sunday) and October 9 (Saturday).

Below are some security tips:

Epidemic prevention safety

During the holidays, students are required to strictly abide by the school's regulations on epidemic prevention and control. Students are not allowed to leave school unless it is necessary. Students living off-campus should strictly abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations in their communities. Maintain good personal hygiene and wash your hands frequently. Make sure the room is ventilated once a day. In the diet to pay more attention to eat less cold food. Meat products must be cooked. Food should be thrown away overnight. Food that has been in the refrigerator for a long time should be cleaned in time to keep the refrigerator clean.

Campus safety

Please take care of your valuables, such as laptop, camera, cell phones, etc. Make sure lock the windows, drawers and doors before you leave. Check the water, electricity before leaving the house or dorm.

Fire safety

Do not smoke in the dorm and do not throw your cigarette butt away randomly. Turn off the power supply in case of the fire.

Preventing telecom fraud

1.Calling for telephone bills, bank card overdrafts, etc. is a commercial service means for the relevant departments to use normal customer service calls and remind them through computer voice. It is impossible to directly transfer law enforcement departments such as public, inspection and law.

2.For those who pretend to be all kinds of staff to make direct calls for fraud, be sure to pay attention to the type of caller ID. For some phones that are unfamiliar, unlike the normal landline phone number please ignore it.

3. Do not trust anyone who asks the party to make a bank transfer or remittance of his or her deposit by telephone or SMS, or want to provide you with a notarized account and a secure account for deposit protection.

4. Keep all kinds of information about family and individuals, such as bank account number, bank password, home address, etc. Don’t rush to make decisions when you don`t understand things. You should first contact and communicate with the teacher to prevent being deceived.
