


Notice on?Scholarship Cancellation

因部分申请人未在划准时间内确认奖学金录取效果 ,按划定视为放弃资格 。现作废附件中申请人的奖学金资格 ,并予以公示 。若仍选择来校就读 ,需自费学习 。

若有任何问题 ,请于北京时间2024年7月8日(下周一)前联系inquiries@cup.edu.cn 。

Due to some applicants not confirming their scholarship admission results on time, students in attachment are deemed to have waived their qualifications according to the regulations. Now, the scholarship qualifications of the applicants listed in the following table are canceled. If they still want to study in our university, they need to be self-supportted.

If you have any questions, please contact inquiries@cup.edu.cn by next Monday, July 8, 2024 Beijing time.


College of International Education

Admissions Office

July 5, 2024
