


The entrance interview for 2019 undergraduate international students for CUPB wa


On April 29-30 and May 22-23, 28-29, 2019, China University of Petroleum, Beijing (CUPB) conducted interviews for 206 undergraduate applicants out of the 229 applicants who submitted applications for the bachelor’s program. These applicants were from 31 countries and were interviewed in 4 batches. These interviews were divided into online interviews and on-site interviews.


Interview of applicants is one of the important actions taken by CUPB to increase the entry threshold, to continuously consolidate and improve the quality, and to standardize the enrollment and admission process for international students. Since 2018, the admissions method of our school is to examine the application materials and interview students with qualified materials. The interview comprises of a general aptitude assessment and language ability assessment. Applicants who meet the requirements for each assessment will be admitted, and issued an admission notice and a visa application form.

In order to serve the "double first-class" development of our school and the overall national diplomacy strategy, accelerating the contribution to the building of China as a highly desired study destination for international students, the enrollment and management of international students in CUPB strictly follows the requirements of “Regulation 42” of the Ministry of Education of the P. R. China.
