


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering(Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering)


Xuyue Chen

Personal Profile

College of Safety and Ocean Engineering


Associate Professor

Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering

chenxuyue2011@163.com; chenxuyue@cup.edu.cn

Research Areas

Mainly engaged in scientific research on rock mechanics, fluid mechanics and new methods of drilling acceleration in offshore drilling and completion

Research Projects

[1] Research on rock crushing mechanics and acceleration mechanism of concave single toothwheel-PDC composite drill bit at the bottom of deep convex stepped wells (5217041589), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022-2025
, presided
[2] Research on the mechanism of crushing drill cuttings and increasing drilling speed by horizontal well jet grinding drill bits (51804322), National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China, 2019-2021
, presided
[3] Shale gas horizontal well jet mill drill bit and drilling acceleration new technology (2017ZX05009-003), National Science and Technology Major Special Project, 2018-2020, presided

[4] Basic Research on Efficient Development and Well Construction in Shale and Tight Oil and Gas Fields (U1762214), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018-2021, Technical Responsibility

[5] Research on the optimization design and acceleration mechanism of horizontal well jet grinding drill bits, University Introduction Talent Start-up Fund, 2017-2020
, presided
[6] Research on Efficient Rock Breaking Technology of Jet Mill Drill Bits in Unconventional Oil and Gas Horizontal Wells (SXCU-201903), Shaanxi Province Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Collaborative Innovation Center Open Fund, 2019-2020
, presided

[7] Research on Efficient Rock Breaking and Intelligent Optimization Technology of Drilling Parameters of Jet Pressure Reduction Drill Bits in Deep Shale Gas Horizontal Wells (PLC20210404), State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Development Engineering, Chengdu University of Technology, 2021-2023, presided

[8] Research on key technologies of high temperature and high pressure horizontal wells, CNOOC Science and Technology Project, 2017-2020
, presided
[9] Study on fluid flow mode and clear well flow parameters of high temperature and high pressure open-hole test, CNOOC Science and Technology Project, 2018-2020, presided


[1] Xuyue Chen, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. Unlocking the deepwater natural gas hydrate’s commercial potential with extended reach wells from shallow water: Review and an innovative method. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 134: 110388. (SCI, CAS Region I, IF=16.799)

[2] Xuyue Chen, Xu Du, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. Developing offshore natural gas hydrate from existing oil & gas platform based on a novel multilateral wells system: Depressurization combined with thermal flooding by utilizing geothermal heat from existing oil & gas wellbore. Energy, 2022, 258: 124870. (SCI, CAS Region I, IF=8.857)

[3] Xuyue Chen, Tong Cao, Kaian Yu, Deli Gao, ea tl. Numerical and experimental investigation on the depressurization capacity of a new type of depressure-dominated jet mill bit. Petroleum Science, 2020, 17(6):1602-1615. (SCI, CAS Category 1, IF=4.757)

[4] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao. The Maximum Allowable Well Depth While Drilling of Ultra-Extended-Reach Drilling from Shallow Water to Deepwater Target. SPE Journal, 2018, 23(1), 224-236. (SCI, CAS Category 3, IF=3.602)

[5] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo. A Method for Optimizing Jet-Mill-Bit Hydraulics in Horizontal Drilling. SPE Journal, 2016, 21(2), 416-422. (SCI, CAS Category 3, IF=3.602)

[6] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, and Yongcun Feng. Real-time optimization of drilling parameters based on mechanical specific energy for rotating drilling with positive displacement motor in the hard formation. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 35, 686-694. (SCI, CAS Region II, IF=5.285)

[7] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo. Optimal design of jet mill bit for jet comminuting cuttings in horizontal gas drilling hard formations. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 28, 587-593. (SCI, CAS Region II, IF=5.285)

[8] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, ea tl. A new method for determining the minimum gas injection rate required for hole cleaning in horizontal gas drilling. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, 21, 1084-1090. (SCI, CAS Region II, IF=5.285)

[9] Xuyue Chen, Honghai Fan, Boyun Guo, Deli Gao, ea tl. Real-Time Prediction and Optimization of Drilling Performance Based on A New Mechanical Specific Energy Model. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2014, 39(11), 8221-8231. (SCI, CAS Category 3, IF=2.807)
