


Geological Resources and Geological Engineering


Meijun Li

Personal Profile

College of Geosciences


Geological Resources and Geological Engineering


Research Areas

Organic geochemistry

Oil and gas geochemistry

Molecular organic geochemistry

Research Group Introduction

1.Admission requirements:

2. Honest and trustworthy, practical, willing to learn and diligent in thinking;

3.Strong hands-on experience, good English foundation, good at communication and cooperation;

4.Strong self-discipline and physical and mental health;

5.Students with a strong foundation in quantum chemistry / computational chemistry, or a background in sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, or students familiar with basin simulation / molecular simulation software are particularly welcome to apply.


1.Xiao Hong, Li Meijun*, Liu Jiguo, Mao Fengjun, Cheng Dingsheng, Yang Zhe, Oil-oil and oil-source rock correlations in the Muglad Basin, Sudan and South Sudan: New insights from molecular markers analyses, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 103, 351-365.

2.Yang Sibo, Li Meijun*, Liu Xiaoqiang, Han Qiuya, Wu Jia, Zhong Ningning, Thermodynamic stability of methyldibenzothiophenes in sedimentary rock extracts: Based on molecular simulation and geochemical data, Organic Geochemistry, 2019, 129, 24-41.

3.Yang Zhe, Li Meijun*, Cheng Dingsheng, Xiao Hong, Lai Hongfei, Chen Qingyao, Geochemistry and possible origins of biodegraded oils in the Cretaceous reservoir of the Muglad Basin and their application in hydrocarbon exploration, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 173, 889-898.

4.Xiao Hong, Wang T.-G., Li Meijun*, Lai Hongfei, Liu Jiguo, Mao Fengjun, Tang Youjun,Geochemical characteristics of Cretaceous Yogou Formation source rocks and oil-source correlation within a sequence stratigraphic framework in the Termit Basin, Niger,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 172,360-372.

5.Wang Ning, Li Meijun*, Hong Haitao, Song Daofu, Tian Xingwang, Liu Peng, Fang Ronghui, Chen Guo, Wang Maolin, Biological sources of sedimentary organic matter in Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian shales in the Sichuan Basin (SW China): Evidence from biomarkers and microfossils, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019, 516, 342-353.

6.Lai Hongfei, Li Meijun*, Liu Jiguo, Mao Fengjun, Xiao Hong, He Wenxiang, Yang Lu. Organic geochemical characteristics and depositional models of Upper Cretaceous marine source rocks in the Termit Basin, Niger. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2018, 495: 292-308.

7.Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Xiao Zhongyao, Fang Ronghui, Ni Zhiyong, Deng Weilong, Tang Youjun, Zhang Chunming, Yang Lu. Practical application of reservoir geochemistry in petroleum exploration: a case study from a Paleozoic carbonate reservoir in the Tarim Basin (NW China). Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(2): 1230–1241.

8.Li Meijun*, Liu Xiaoqiang, Wang Tieguan, Jiang Weidong, Fang Ronghui, Yang Lu, Tang Youjun. Fractionation of dibenzofurans during subsurface petroleum migration: Based on molecular dynamics simulation and reservoir geochemistry. Organic Geochemistry, 2018, 115: 220-232.

9.Yang Chengyu, Ni Zhiyong, Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Chen Zhonghong, Hong Haitao, Tian Xingwang. Pyrobitumen in South China: Organic petrology, chemical composition and geological significance. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2018, 188: 51-63.

10.Xiao Hong, Wang Tieguan, Li Meijun*, Fu Jjian, Tang Youjun, Shi Shengbao, Yang Zhe, Lu Xiaolin. Occurrence and Distribution of Unusual Tri- and Tetracyclic Terpanes and Their Geochemical Significance in Some Paleogene Oils from China. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(7): 7393-7403.

11.Yang Lu, Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Liu Xiaoqiang, Jiang Weidong, Fang Ronghui, Lai Hongfei. Phenyldibenzofurans and methyldibenzofurans in source rocks and crude oils, and their implications for maturity and depositional environment. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31: 2513-2523.

12.Fang Ronghui, Li Meijun*, LüHaitao, Wang Tieguan, Yuan Yuan, Liu Yongli, Ni Zhiyong, Oil charging history and pathways of the Ordovician carbonate reservoir in the Tuoputai region, Tarim Basin, NW China. Petroleum Science, 2017, 14(4): 662-675.

13.Li Meijun*, Wang Hui, Shi Shengbao, Fang Ronghui, Tang Qi, Wang Daowei. The occurrence and distribution of phenylnaphthalenes, terphenyls and quaterphenyls in selected lacustrine shales and related oils in China. Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 95, 55-70.

14.Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Li Hongbo, Fang Ronghui, Yang Lu, Shi Shengbao, Kuang Jiang. The occurrence and geochemical significance of phenylnaphthalenes and terphenyls in oils and condensates from the Yakela Faulted-Uplift, Tarim Basin (China). Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30 (6),4457–4466.

15.Fang Ronghui, Wang Tieguan, Li Meijun*, Xiao Zhongyao, Zhang Baoshou, Huang Shaoying, Shi Shengbao, Wang Daowei, Deng Weilong. Dibenzothiophenes and benzonaphthothiophenes: Molecular markers for tracing oil filling pathways in the carbonate reservoir of the Tarim Basin, NW China. Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 91, 68-80.

16.Xiao Zhongyao, Li Meijun*, Huang Shaoying, Wang Tieguan, Zhang Baoshou, Fang Ronghui, Zhang Ke, Ni Zhiyong, Zhao Qing, Wang Daowei. Source, oil charging history and filling pathways of the Ordovician carbonate reservoir in the Halahatang Oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 73, 59-71.

17.Huang Shaoying, Li Meijun*, Zhang Ke, Wang Tieguan, Xiao Zhongyao, Fang Ronghui, Zhang Baoshou, Wang Daowei, Zhao Qing, Yang Fulin. The distribution and geochemical significance of phenylphenanthrenes and their isomers in selected oils and rock extracts from the Tarim Basin, NW China. Petroleum Science, 2016.

18.[Yang Lu, Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Shi Yang. Dibenzothiophenes and benzonaphthothiophenes in oils, and their application in identifying oil filling pathways in Eocene lacustrine clastic reservoirs in the Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2016, 146:1026-1036.

19.[Li Meijun *, Geoffrey S. Ellis. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of dibenzofuran, alkyldibenzofurans, and benzo[b]naphthofurans in crude oils and source rock extracts, Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29 (3), pp 1421–1430.

20.Fang Ronghui, Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Zhang Liwen, Shi Shengbao, Identification and distribution of pyrene, methylpyrenes and their isomers in rock extracts and crude oils. Organic Geochemistry, 2015, 83–84, 65-76.

21.Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Shi Shengbao, Liu Keyu, Ellis Geoffrey. Benzo[b]naphthothiophenes and alky dibenzothiophenes: molecular tracers for oil migration distances. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2014, 57, 403-417

22.Li Meijun *, Wang Tieguan, Shi Shengbao, Zhu Lei, Fang Ronghui. The oil maturity assessment by maturity indicators based on methylated dibenzothiophenes. Petroleum Science, 2014/6, 11(2), 234-246.

23.LiMeijun*, Zhong Ningning, Shi Shengbao, Zhu Lei, Tang Youjun. The origin of trimethyldibenzothiophenes and their application as maturity indictors in sediments from the Liaohe Basin, East China. Fuel, 2013, 103, 299-307.

24.Li Meijun*., Simoneit B.R.T., Zhong Ningning, Fang Ronghui, The distribution and origin of dimethyldibenzothiophenes in sediment extracts from the Liaohe Basin, East China. Organic Geochemistry, 2013, 65, 63-73.

25.Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Zhong Ningning, Zhang Weibiao, Akbar Sadik, Li Hongbo. Ternary diagram of fluorenes, dibenzothiophenes and dibenzofurans: Indicating depositional environment of crude oil source rocks. Energy, Exploration & Exploitation, 2013, 31(4), 569-588.






31.杨程宇, 李美俊*, 倪智勇, 杨福林, 陈昊卫. 塔里木盆地西北缘玉尔吐斯组硅质岩成因及石油地质意义. 沉积学报, 2016, 34(4):653-661.

32.张宝收, 李美俊*, 赵青, 王铁冠, 张科, 肖中尧, 黄少英. 原油中C26-C28三芳甾烷相对含量盘算要领及其应用. 石油实验地质, 2016, 38(5):692-697.

33.杨禄,李美俊*, 张春明. 生物降解作用对大宛齐油田库车组原油轻烃参数的影响. 高校地质学报, 2016, 22(3):549-554.

34.李美俊*,王铁冠. 油藏地球化学在勘探中的研究希望及应用:以北部湾盆地福山凹陷为例. 地学前缘, 2015, 01, 215-222.

35.李美俊*, 王铁冠, 张卫彪. 塔河油田奥陶系原油C26降胆甾烷漫衍特征及地质意义. 石油实验地质, 2015, 37(1), 64-70, 79.

36.唐琪 ,李美俊*. 海相页岩有机质甲基菲指数与成熟度关系甲基菲 ,油气地质与采收率 ,2015, 22(3): 62-66.

37.李美俊*, 师生宝, 王铁冠, 方镕慧, 朱雷. 石油和沉积有机质中C3-、C4-烷基取代二苯并噻吩的判断. 地球化学, 2014/03, 43(2): 157-165.

38.师生宝*, 李美俊,朱雷. 石油和沉积有机质中C1和C2-烷基取代二苯并噻吩的漫衍和判断. 石油实验地质, 2014/09, 36(5): 612-617.

39.李美俊, 师生宝, 王铁冠, 张利文, 杨福林. 应用石油中三芴系列判识沉积情形的几个问题. 地球科学前沿, 2013, 3(1): 22-28.
