




Sumei Li

Personal Profile

College of Geosciences





Research Areas

[1] Molecular organic geochemistry;

[2] Petroleum genesis and accumulation mechanism;

[3] Formation and distribution of oil and gas reservoirs;

[4] Forecasting and evaluation of oil and gas resources

Research Projects

[1] National 973 Major Basic Research and Development Planning Project, "Deep Multivariate Hydrocarbon Generation Mechanism and Phase Transformation in the Superimposed Basin of Western China (2011CB201102)" (2011.1-2015.12).

[2] National 973 Major Basic Research and Development Planning Project, "Hydrocarbon Accumulation Mechanism and Distribution Law in Typical Superimposed Basin in Western China (2006CB202308)" (2006.1-2011.12).

[3] National 973 Major Basic Research and Development Planning Project "Oil and Gas Agglomeration Mechanism and Quantitative Simulation in China's Typical Superimposed Basin (G1999043310)" (1999.1-2003.12).

[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Hydrocarbon formation and accumulation effects and their mechanisms in salt lake facies-containing salt formations (41673055) (2017.1-2021.12).

[5] National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Distribution characteristics of organic sulfides in geological bodies based on ESI FT-ICRMS analysis technology and their petroleum geological significance (41473047) (2015.1-2018.12).

[6] National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Distribution characteristics, genesis mechanism and quantitative evaluation of TSR-organosulfur in marine oil and gas reservoirs" (41173061) (2012.01-2015.12).

[7] National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Genesis mechanism and petroleum geological significance of ultra-high aromatic sulfur-dibenzothiophene in marine crude oil (40973031) (2010.01-2012.12
[8] National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Exploration of Theory and Method of Quantitative Prediction of Mixed Source Oil and Gas in Fault Basin" (40772077).(2008.1-2010.12).

[9] "Distribution characteristics of NSO compounds in geological bodies and their geochemical significance" (20120007110002) (2012.1-2016.12).

[10] National Major Special Project "Oil and Gas Enrichment Law and Exploration Strategy of Nanpu Sag (Topic 5) (2011ZX05006-006-02-006)" (2011.1-2015.12).


[1] Wan Zhonghua, Li Sumei*, Wang Zhengjun, Ren Miaosong, Zhang Hongchen. Characteristics and geochemical significance of heteroatomic compounds by negative-ion ESI FT-ICR MS in crude oils from the Nanpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. Organic geochemistry. Organic Geochemistry, 2017, 111: 34–55. [SCI,EI]

[2] Song Daofu, Zhang Chunming, Li Sumei, Wang T.-G., Li Meijun. Elevated Mango’s K1 Values Resulting from Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction within the Tazhong Oils, Tarim Basin. Energy Fuels, 2017,31 (2): 1250–1258. [SCI]

[3] Chen Xiangfei, Li Sumei*, Dong Yuexia, Pang Xiongqi, Wang Zhengjun, Ren Miaosong, Sun Hongchen. Characteristics and genetic mechanisms of offshore natural gas in the Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China. Journal of Asian earth sciences. Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 94: 68–82. [SCI,EI]

[4] Pang Xiongqi, Chen Junqing, Li Sumei, Chen Jianfa, Wang Yingxun, Pang Hong. Evaluation method and application of the relative contribution of marine hydrocarbon source rocks in the Tarim basin: A case study from the Tazhong area. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 77: 1-18. [SCI,EI]

[5] Li Sumei*,Pang Xiongqi, Zhang Baoshou, Sun Hao, Sun Aiyan. Marine oil source of the Yingmaili Oilfield in the Tarim Basin. Marine and petroleum geology. 2015, 68:18-39. [SCI,EI]

[6] Li Sumei *, Alon Amrani, Pang Xiongqi, Yang Haijun, Ward Said-Ahmad, Zhang Baoshou, Pang Qiuju. Origin and quantitative source assessment of deep oils in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin. Organic geochemistry, 2015, 78: 1-22. [SCI,EI]

[7] Li Sumei*, Shi Quan, Pang Xiongqi, Zhang Baoshou, Zhang Haizu. Origin of the unusually high dibenzothiophene oils in Tazhong-4 oilfield of Tarim Basin and its implication in deep petroleum exploration. Organic geochemistry, 2012, 48: 56-80. [SCI,EI]

[8] Pang, Xiongqi, Yu, Qiuhua, Guan, Xiaoyan, Li Sumei, Jiang Fujie. Evolution and movement of source kitchens and their control of oil and gas in the Tarim Cratonic Basin, China. Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 2012, 30(2): 239-271, [SCI]

[9] Li Sumei*, Pang Xiongqi, Shi Quan, Zhang Baoshou, Zhang Haizu, Pan Na, Zhao Ming. Geochemical characteristics of crude oils from the Tarim Basin by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. Energy exploration and exploration, 2011, 29(6): 711-741. [SCI]

[10] Li Sumei*, Pang Xiongqi, Shi Quan, Zhang Baoshou, Zhang Haizu, Pan Na, Zhao Ming. Origin of the unusually high dibenzothiophene concentrations in Lower Ordovician oils from the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin. Petroleum science. 2011, 8: 382-391. [SCI].
