


Chemical Engineering and Technology


Jixiang Guo

Personal Profile

The Unconventional Petroleum Research Institute



Chemical Engineering and Technology


Research Areas

[1] Chemical flooding enhanced oil
recovery technology
[2] Heavy oil viscosity reduction and wellbore asphaltene
deblocking technology
[3] Produced liquid treatment

Research Projects

National 863 High-tech Research and Development Program (Chief Expert of Project)

[1] National 863 Theme Project: Key Technology of Wellbore Viscosity Reduction in Ultra-deep Heavy Oil Reservoirs (2013AA064300);

[2] National 863 Project (Person in charge): Research on high-efficiency viscosity reduction technology of ultra-heavy oil (2013AA064301);

National Natural Science Foundation of China (Director)

[1] Study on viscosity mechanism of heavy oil (51274210);

[2] Study on the flow law of lifting in ultra-deep well ultra-heavy oil at high temperature and high pressure (51674274)

National "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" national major special projects (responsible person):

[1] Low (extra low) permeability reservoir flooding mechanism and new method for improving water flooding(2009ZX05009-004);

[2] Study on viscosity reducer formula and evaluation of the impact of viscosity reducer on the environment and subsequent treatment(2011ZX05049-003-001-002);

[3] Research on Wetland Construction and Ecological Restoration in Liaohe River Basin(2012ZX07505-001-004);

National "Eleventh Five-Year" Science and Technology Support Plan (Person in charge)

[1] Research on Key Technologies for Pollution Control and Control of Drilling Waste Liquid(2008BAC43B02);

[2] Study on reservoir, fluid characteristics and injury characteristics during fracturing transformation of low (ultra-low) permeable reservoir (2007BAB17B03);


[1] Synthesis of temperature-resistant and salttolerant surfactant SDB-7 and its performance evaluation for Tahe Oilfield flooding. Petroleum Science, 2014,11:584-589(SCI).

[2] Treatment of drilling wastewater from a sulfonated mud system. Petroleum Science, 2013,10(01): 106-111, (SCI) .

[3] Characteristics of petroleum contaminants and their distribution in Lake Taihu, China. Chemistry Central Journal, 2012, 6:92SCI).

[4] Influence of separated fractions on crude oil viscosity. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2012,30:1–8(SCI).

[5] Synthesis and evaluation of an oil-soluble viscosity reducer for heavy oil . Petroleum Science,2010, 7(4):536-540(SCI).

[6] 6.Study of asphaltene dispersion and removal for high-asphaltene oil wells Petroleum Science 2012, 9(04):1672-5107.(SCI).

[7] Study on temperature and salt resistant surfactant BHJ-2 for tertiary oil recovery. Fine Chemicals,2016,33,1:98~104(EI).

[8] Screening and performance evaluation of tight gas reservoir fracturing fluid water lock inhibitors. Applied Chemical Industry,2011,40(11):1994-1997.

[9] Optimal oil displacement system for surfactant flooding system for low permeability reservoirs. Applied Chemical Industry,2011,40(6):940-944.

[10] Effect of composite system on the shear viscosity of crude oil oil-water interface after reaction with alkali. Journal of China University of Petroleum(Natural Science Edition),2009,(04):157-159(EI).
