


Geology (Chinese and English)


Fusheng Yu

Personal Profile

College of Geosciences




Research Areas

Seismic Interpretation Combining with Field Data (Geological and Geophyscial)

Research Group Introduction

The teacher's research is focused on both the seismic interpretation combining with field data (geological and geophyscial) and dynamic models to understand the tectonic processes that are responsible for the formation of geological structures in the crust and upper mantle. The research results are applied to; Hydrocarbon-related and exploration structural geology (structural evolution of extensional and compressional areas targeted for hydrocarbon exploration (Bohai Bay Basin in China, Junggar Basin,Qaidam Basin, Sichuan Basin, Songliao Basin, Erlian Basin, and South China Sea, Chusa Basin in Kazakhstan, Forlandbasin in Papua New Guinea, Baer Basin in Mongolia), rock deformation, tectonics, modelling geological processes.


[1].Yu, F.S, and Koyi, H.A. Theoretical and experimental estimation of geometric relationshipof non-parallel conjugate normal faults,Tectonophysics, 2017, 703-704: 85–97. (SCI、EI收录)
[2].Yu, F.S, Koyi, H.A., and Zhang, X.T.Intersection patterns of normal faults in the Lufeng Sag of Pearl River Mouth Basin, China: Insights from 4D physical simulations,Journal of Structural Geology, 2016, 93:67-90. (SCI、EI收录)
[3].Yu, F.S, and Koyi, H.A.Cenozoic tectonic model of the Bohai Bay Basin in China,Geological Magazine, 2016,153 (5/6): 866-886.(SCI、EI收录)
[4].Qi, J.F., Li, X.G., Yu, F.S., Yu, T.C.Cenozoic structural deformation and expression of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone in the West Sag of Liaohe Depression, Bohaiwan basin province, China.Science China-Earth Sciences (in English), 2013, 56 (10): 1707–1721. (SCI、EI收录)
5.Yu, F.S., Li, X.J., Li, D.H, Feng, Z.C., and Li, X.L.Simulation for the controlling factors of structural deformation in the southern margin of Junggar Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica (in English), 2012, 86(4): 842-853.(SCI、EI收录)
[6].Zeng, L.B., Tang, X.M., Qi, J.F., Yu,F.S., Gong, L., Wang, T.C. Insight into the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China from fracture information, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2012, 101(8):2183-2191. (SCI收录)
[7].Tong, H.M., Yu, F.S., and Geng C.B.Characteristics and evolution of strike-slip tectonics of the Liaohe Western Sag, Bohai Bay Basin.Pet.Sci (in English), 2008, 5: 23-229.(SCI收录)
[8].Zhou, J.X., Xu, F.Y., Wei, C.G., Li, G., Yu, F.S., Tong, H.M.Shortening of analogue models with contractive substrata: Insights into the origin of purely landward-vergent thrusting wedge along the Cascadia subduction zone and the deformation evolution of Himalayan–Tibetan orogeny.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2007, 260: 13-327.(SCI收录)
[9].Yu, F.S, Han, S., Ma, Z.B., and Xie, R.J.Uranium Series Chronology of the Late Pleistocene Basalt from the Longgang Volcanoes, Jilin Province. Acta Geologica Sinica (in English), 2005,79 :211-214. (SCI、EI收录)
[10].Yu, F.S., Han, S., Huang, Y., He, W., Cao, J., Application of nuclear analytical techniques to trace elements of Cenozoic Basalt and their mantle xenoliths from Aershan area in Inner Mongolia, China, Nuclear Technique, 2005,16(2): 108-113.(EI收录)
