


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Oil and Gas Well Drilling Engineering)


Wei Liu

Personal Profile

College of Petroleum Engineering


Associate Professor

Oil and gas well engineering


Research Areas

Rock Mechanics and Engineering for Oil and Gas Wells; Hydraulic fracturing of unconventional reservoirs; Wellbed stability prediction and control; Wellbore integrity prediction and control

Research Projects

[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project" "Enhanced Finite Element Method for Hydraulic Fracture Simulation of Fractured Oil and Gas Reservoirs", 2016.01-2018.12

[2] National Science and Technology Major Special Task "Coal Reservoir Wellbed Stability Analysis and Software", 2011.01-2015.12

[3] National Science and Technology Major Special Task "Research and Application of Optimization technology of fracturing filling and sand prevention technology of flooded reservoirs", 2016.01-2020.12

[4] In addition, it has undertaken a number of projects entrusted by oilfield enterprises in terms of hydraulic fracturing, wellbed stability, and wellbore integrity.


[1] 1.W. Liu, Q. Yang, S. Mohammadizadeh, X. Y. Su, D. S. Ling, An Accurate and Efficient A-FEM for Arbitrary Crack Interactions, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1 (2013) 425. (SCI收录)

[2] 2.W. Liu, J. W. Chen, Y. Q. Liu, X. Y. Su. Effect of interface/surface stress on the elastic wave band structure of two-dimensional phononic crystals, Physics Letters A, 2012, 376(4), 605-609.(SCI收录)

[3] 3.W. Liu, J. W. Chen, X. Y. Su. Local resonance phononic band gaps in modified two-dimensional lattice materials, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2012, 28(3), 659-669. (SCI收录)

[4] 4.W. Liu, X. Y. Su, Y. R. An, K. F. Huang. Local Buckling Prediction for Large Wind Turbine Blades, Computers, Materials & Continua, 2011, 25(2), 177-193. (SCI收录)

[5] 5.W. Liu, X. Y. Su. Collimation and enhancement of elastic transverse waves in two-dimensional solid phononic crystals, Physics Letters A, 2010, 374(29). (SCI收录)

[6] 6.刘伟 ,尹家聪 ,陈璞 ,苏先樾. Dynamic characteristics and air-elastic stability analysis of composite blades of large wind turbines. Aerodynamics

学学报 ,2011 ,29(3), 263-267.(EI收录)

[7] 7.W. Liu, Y. L. Ma, X. Y. Su, K. F. Huang. Buckling Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade Using Pressure Distributions Obtained from CFD, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Wuhan, China, 2009.(EI收录)

[8] 8.B. C. Do, W. Liu, Q. D. Yang, X. Y. Su. Improved Cohesive Stress Integration Schemes for Cohesive Zone Elements, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013, 107, 14-28. (SCI收录)

[9] 9.J. W. Chen, W. Liu, X. Y. Su. Vibration and Buckling of Truss core Sandwich plates on an Elastic Foundation Subjected to Biaxial In-plane Loads, Computers, Materials & Continua, 2011, 24(2), 163-181. (SCI收录)
