


Management Science and Engineering


2001/09-2006/04, School of Business Administration, Liaoning Technical University, Management Science and Engineering, PhD (direct Ph.D)
1997/09-2001/07, School of Business Administration, Liaoning Technical University, Accounting, Bachelor

Research Projects

[1] The Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Planning Fund Project of the Ministry of Education, 18YJA630046, Research on the Coupling Mechanism of Resource-based Clusters and Regional Innovation Networks and Cooperative Development Countermeasures, 2019/01-2021/12, project leader

[2] Special research of CNPC Asset Management Co., Ltd., research on asset classification management and disposal strategy of China National Petroleum Corporation, 2018/10-2019/09, project leader

[3] Special research of Chinese Association of Degrees and Graduate Education, Research on the Application Status and Applicability of Case Teaching Method in my country's MBA Teaching, 2018/01-2020/12, project leader

[4] Beijing Youth Talents Program Project YETP0690, Research on the Mechanism of Resource-based Clusters on Regional Innovation Capability, 2013/01-2015/12, project leader.

[5] Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund Project of the Ministry of Education, 10YJC630104, Research on the Development Motivation Mechanism and Governance Countermeasures of Resource-based Industrial Clusters, 2011/01-2013/12, project leader.

[6] Beijing Municipal Finance Special Funding Project, Theoretical Research on the Capital City System and Its Safety, 2008/7-2009/1, project leader.

[7] Huabei Oilfield Company's corporate consulting project, the domestic and foreign market research and analysis of Huabei Oilfield's foreign cooperation business, 2014/5-2014/10, project leader.

[8] Enterprise consulting project of Liaohe Oilfield Company, construction and implementation of production operation management mode of major projects of Liaohe Oilfield, 2012/11-2013/2, project leader.

[9] Huabei Oilfield Company Enterprise Consulting Project, Oilfield Company Technology Visibility Research and Application, 2009/8-2011/9, project leader.
