


Management Science and Engineering


Xi Yang

Personal Profile

School of Economics and Management


Associate Professor

Management Science and Engineering


Research Areas

Energy and Environmental Policy

Modeling of Energy Economic Environment Systems

Climate change and Low-carbon Economy

Research Projects

[1] Coordinated control of carbon emission reduction and air quality improvement. National Science Foundation of China. 2018-2020. Chair.

[2] Research on Environmental Health Co-benefits and Policy Cost Effectiveness of Promoting New Energy Vehicles in Beijing. Beijing Social Science Foundation Project. 2018-2020. Chair.

[3] Implementation plan of the 2030 energy production and consumption revolution strategy. Project of the Department of Energy Administration. 2016-2017. Participant.

China's oil and gas development forecast before 2030. CNPC project. 2015-2016. Participant.

[4] Natural Gas Consumption Forecast and Energy Alternative Optimization Research. Supported by the University Young Talent Plan. 2016-2018. Chair.

[5] Comparative Study and Game Analysis of Carbon Emissions Allocation Schemes. Commissioned by the National Science Foundation of China. 2012-2015. Participant.

[6] Carbon emission trading support technology research and demonstration. National Science and Technology Support Plan. 2012-2015. Participant.

[7] Comparative study of emission rights allocation schemes. National High-tech Industrialization Project. 2013-2015. Participant.

[8] LinkS project research. Tsinghua University international science and technology cooperation project. 2011-2013. Participant.

[9] Downscaling of social and economic scenarios related to Earth system simulation. National Science and Technology Plan 2012-2014. Participant.


[1] Yang X,Teng F. Air quality benefit of China’s mitigation target to peak its emission by 2030. Climate Policy. 2018, 18(1):99-110. (SSCI)

[2] Yang X, Teng F. The air quality co-benefit of coal control strategy in China, Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018,129: 373-382. (SCI)

[3] Yang X, Teng F, Xi X, Khayrullin E, Zhang Q. Cost–benefit analysis of China’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions based on carbon marginal cost curves. Applied Energy. 2018, 227:415-425. (SCI)

[4] Yang X, Xi X, Guo S, Lin W, Feng X. Carbon Mitigation Pathway Evaluation and Environmental Benefit Analysis of Mitigation Technologies in China’s Petrochemical and Chemical Industry. Energies. 2018, 11(12):3331-3345. (SCI)

[5] Yang X, Wan H, Zhang Q, Zhou J, Chen S. A scenario analysis of oil and gas consumption in China to 2030 considering the peak CO2 emission constraint. Petroleum Science, 2016,13:370–383. (SCI)

[6] Yang X, Xi X, Lin W, Guo S, Feng X, Gilmore E. Evaluation of environmental health benefts of China’s building energy conservation policies: an integrated assessment on national and provincial levels. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 2018, 28(3):215-239 (SCI)

[7] Yang X,Teng F, Wang X, Zhang Q. System optimization and co-benefit analysis of China’s deep-carbonization effort towards its INDC target. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105: 3314-3319.

[8] Yang X, Teng F, Wang G. Incorporating environmental co-benefits into climate policies: A regional study of the cement industry in China. Applied Energy. 2013, 112: 1446-1453 (SCI)

[9] Yang X, Teng F, Wang G. Quantifying co-benefit potentials in the Chinese cement sector during 12th Five Year Plan: an analysis based on marginal abatement cost with monetized environmental effect. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2013, 58: 102-111. (SCI)
