


Mechanical Engineering


Deguo Wang

Personal Profile

College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering



Mechanical Engineering


Research Areas

Mechanical design and theory

Research Projects

[1] National Key Research and Development Program: Quality performance testing and evaluation of key static equipment of petrochemical devices and research on control technology

[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China, non-stationary tribological research of rubber materials under special environment

[3] Shenyang Special Inspection Institute Project, Research on Fuzzy Evaluation Method of Safety Status of Urban Gas Polyethylene Pipeline

[4] Sinopec Engineering Research Institute project, remote control cement head control system development

Research Group Introduction

Wang Deguo's research direction is mechanical design and theory


[1] Effect of Circuit Parameters and Environment on Shock Waves Generated by Underwater Electrical Wire Explosion.?IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 2017, 45(9): 2519-2526

[2] Tribological behaviors of quartz sand particles for hydraulic fracturing.?TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2016,102(10): 485-496

[3] Material properties and tool performance of PCD reinforced WC matrix composites for hardbanding applications ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS, 2015,51(7): 146-1524.

[4] Influence of water conductivity on shock waves generated by underwater electrical wire explosion.?PHYSICS LETTERS A , 2018,382(1): 49-54

[5] Thermal Growth of Graphene: A Review .COATINGS 2018,8(1): 40-55
