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孙 晶



孙晶 ,1987年生 ,黑龙江大庆人 ,博士 ,副教授 ,硕士生导师 ,主要从事岩石学与地球化学研究。邮箱:sunjing@cup.edu.cn







中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 地质学 博士


吉林大学 资源勘查工程(固体)学士


德王法兰克福大学 地质学 DAAD-CAS交流生







美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校 会见学者 (相助先生:Roberta Rudnick




1. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(西伯利亚Obnazhennaya金伯利岩管中榴辉岩包体的泉源与年岁研究2021.1-2024.12主持

2. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目(Obnazhennaya金伯利岩管中橄榄岩包体的特征对西伯利亚地幔柱交接作用的启示2017.1-2019.12)主持

3. 公海彩船人才引进基金(2016.1-2018.12主持

4. 公海彩船重点实验室自主研究项目(2016.1-2018.12主持

5. 十三五重大专项子课题 2017.1-2020.12主要加入职员


  1. 中国科学院院长奖 优异奖(2012年)

  2. DAAD-CAS奖学金(2012年)

  3. 公海彩船弘达杯青年西席基本功大赛三等奖、最受学生接待奖2015年)

  4. 公海彩船地球科学学院青年西席基本功大赛一等奖(2015;2017年)


已揭晓论文16篇 ,其中第一作者SCI 6):

Sun, J., Rudnick, R., Kostrovitsky, S.I., Shu, Q., 2020. The origin of low-MgO eclogite xenoliths from Obnazhennaya kimberlite, Siberian craton. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 175(3).

Sun, J., Tappe, S., Liu, C.Z., Kostrovitsky, S.I., Wu. F.Y., 2018. Mantle sources of kimberlites through time: a U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope study of zircon megacrysts from the Siberian diamond fields. Chemical Geology, 479:228-240.

Sun, J., Liu, Z., Zhang, S., Li, X.G., Qi, J.F., 2017. Large-scale removal of lithosphere underneath the North China Craton in the Early Cretaceous: Geochemical constraints from volcanic lavas in the Bohai Bay Basin. Lithos, 292-293: 69-80.

Sun, J., Liu, C.Z., Kostrovitsky, S.I, Wu, F.Y, Yang, J.H., Chu, Z.Y., Yang, Y.H., Kalashnikova,T., 2017. Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle in the Northern part of Siberian Craton: Constraints from Peridotites in the Obnazhennaya Kimberlite. Lithos, 294-295: 383-396.

Sun, J., Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y, Tappe, S, Kostrovitsky, S.I, Yakovlev, D., Yang, Y.H., Yang, J.H., 2014. Repeated kimberlite magmatism beneath Yakutia and its relationship to Siberian flood volcanism: Insights from in situ U–Pb and Sr–Nd perovskite isotope analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 404: 283-295.

Sun, J., Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Yang, Y.H., Chu, Z.Y., 2012. Metasomatic origin of clinopyroxene in Archean mantle xenoliths from Hebi, North China Craton: Trace-element and Sr-isotope constraints. Chemical Geology, 328: 123-136.

Wu, F.Y., Mitchell, R.H., Li, Q.L., Sun, J., Liu, C.Z., Yang, Y.H., 2013. In situ U-Pb age determination and Sr-Nd isotopic analysis of perovskite from the Premier (Cullinan) kimberlite, South Africa. Chemical Geology, 353, 83-95.

Wu, F.Y., Arzamastsev, A.A., Mitchell, R.H., Li, Q.L., Sun, J., Yang, Y.H., Wang, R.C., 2013. Emplacement age and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Afrikanda alkaline ultramafic complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Chemical. Geology, 353: 210–229.

Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Sun, J., Chu, Z.Y., Qiu, Z.L., 2012. The Xinchang peridotite xenoliths reveal mantle replacement and accretion in southeastern China. Lithos, 150, 171-187.

Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Sun, J., Chu, Z.Y., Yu, X.H., 2013. Petrology, geochemistry and Re-Os isotopes of peridotite xenoliths from Maguan, Yunnan Province: Implications for the Cenozoic mantle replacement in southwestern China. Lithos, 168-169, 1-14.

Liu, C.Z., Zhang C., Liu, Z.C., Sun, J., Qiu, Z.L., Wu, F.Y., 2017. Formation age and metasomatism of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath southeast China: Sr-Nd-Hf-Os isotopes of Mingxi mantle xenoliths. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 145, 591-604.

Kostrovitsky, S., Skuzovatov, S., Yakovlev, D., Sun, J., Nasdala, L., Wu, F.Y., 2016. Age of the Siberian craton crust beneath the northern kimberlite fields: Insights to the craton evolution. Gondwana Research, 39:365-385.

Aulbach, S., Sun, J., Tappe, S., Hofer, E.H., Gerdes, A., 2018. Volatile-rich metasomatism in the cratonic mantle beneath SW Greenland: Link to kimberlites and Mid-Lithospheric discontinuities. Journal of Petrology, 58(12).

Aulbach, S., Sun, J., Tappe, S., Gerdes, A., 2019. Effects of multi-stage rifting and metasomatism on HSE-187Os/188Os systematics of the cratonic mantle beneath SW Greenland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 174(2):3.

Zhang, Y.L., Ge, W.C., Sun, J., Yang, H., Liu, Z.C., Liu, J.G., 2019. Age and composition of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Xing’an-Mongolia Orogenic Belt: Implications for the construction of microcontinents during accretionary orogenesis. Lithos, 326-327.

孙晶 ,刘传周 ,吴福元. 2012. 熔体再富集作用对大陆岩石圈地幔的影响. 高校地质学报 ,18, 52-61.
