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岳文正 ,教授 ,博导


电话: 010-8973-1275

电子邮箱: yuejack1@sina.com

辽宁盘锦人。至今 ,肩负国家自然科学基金3项 ,加入973、863、重大专项等项目多项。研究效果先后在海内外主要期刊及聚会上揭晓论文六十余篇 ,其中SCI、EI、ISTP收录五十余篇。研究效果被Journal of Petroleum Technology编辑Denney Dennis专门撰文向业内推介。曾多次赴外洋加入国际聚会并作大会口头报告。已申请岩石物理和测井要领方面的国家发明专利4项 ,软件著作权1项 ,英文专著1部 ,编写课本课本1部。研究效果获2010年度天下十大地质科技希望1次 ,2007年入选“公海彩船(北京)拔尖人才”。别的 ,还肩负大宗教学和教改事情 ,加入肩负教育部双语教学树模课程建设1项。2008年以来获公海彩船(北京)教学效果二等奖2次 ,一等奖1次。


2015/3 -至今 ,北京市重点实验室 ,副主任 ,教授

2015/3 -至今 ,天下石油和化工行业重点实验室 ,副主任 ,教授

2012/9 -至今 ,公海彩船(北京) ,地球物理与信息工程学院 ,教授

2012/3 - 2012/9 ,麻省理工学院 ,地球、大气、行星科学系 ,会见学者

2011/6 –2012/3 ,公海彩船(北京) ,地球物理与信息工程学院 ,教授

2006/7 - 2011/5 ,公海彩船(北京) ,地球物理与信息工程学院 ,副教授

2005/7 - 2006/6 ,公海彩船(北京) ,资源与信息学院 ,讲师

2003/8 - 2005/7 ,清华大学 ,航天航空学院 ,博士后



现在 ,研究领域主要集中于阵列声波测井信号处置惩罚和声反射成像、基于测井资料的非通例储层流体特征识别 ,以及基于数字岩心的岩石物理仿真、测井资料处置惩罚与剖析等。











2.基于岩石X-Ray CT成像数字岩心的岩石物理特征研究。









3. 基于测井资料的非通例储层流体特征识别

我们开发了一种新要领 ,该要领通过建设测井曲线谱特征来识别流体特征。凭证该要领 ,测井曲线中包括的储层流体和岩性信息可以被逐一疏散 ,进而便于剖析、处置惩罚和识别。现在已经处置惩罚42口井 ,效果批注该要领识别效果与试油效果高度吻合 ,从而证实该要领的有用性。该要领开发了基于谱特征识别储层流体类型的新偏向。



奖励 & 声誉

天下十大地质科技希望, 2011

2017油气藏勘探与开发国际聚会 ,优异论文奖 ,2017

大会论文一等奖, 2010

公海彩船(北京)青年拔尖人才, 2007

公海彩船(北京)教学青年主干西席, 2014

公海彩船(北京)优异西席, 2014

公海彩船(北京)教学效果一等奖, 2012

公海彩船(北京)教学效果二等奖, 2011

公海彩船(北京)教学效果二等奖, 2008



Yue Wenzheng. Pore-Scale Explanation of the Archie's Cementation Exponent: Microstructure, Electrical Anisotropy, and Numerical Experiments. Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082585
Yue Wenzheng, H. Liu, Y. Bai, C. Hao. A Method of High-Resolution Borehole Acoustic Reflection Imaging for Reservoir Evaluation, the 81th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 2019
Jia Chen, Wenzheng Yue, Chao Li, Fuqiang Zeng. Extracting Reflected Waves From Acoustic Logging Data Based on the Shearlet Transform. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2019.2908286
Jing Zhu, HongLei Zhan, Kun Zhao, XinYang Miao, Qiong Zhou, WenZheng Yue. Thermal spallation in rock revealed by ultraviolet laser-induced voltage. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2019, 62: 974222 
Shanzhe Zhang, Jing Zhu, Honglei Zhan, Zhaohui Meng, Ru Chen, Huaqing Liang, Kun Zhao, Wenzheng Yue. Laser-Induced Voltage Application for Identification of Crude Oils. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(5): 3855-3858
Yan Song, Honglei Zhan, Chen Jiang, Kun Zhao, Jing Zhu, Ru Chen, Shijie Hao, Wenzheng Yue. High Water Content Prediction of Oil–Water Emulsions Based on Terahertz Electromagnetically Induced Transparency-like Metamaterial, ACS Omega, 2019, 4(1): 1810-1815
Zhu Jing; Zhan Hong Lei; Zhao Kun; Miao Xin Yang; Zhou Qiong; Yue Wen Zheng. Competitive and synergistic adsorption of binary volatile organic compound mixtures on activated carbon. Chinese Physics B, 2019.2, 28(2): 020204
Mengxi Chen; Jing Zhu; Honglei Zhan; Zhaohui Meng; Shanzhe Zhang; Ru Chen; Kun Zhao; Wenzheng Yue. Direct Detection of Oil Shale Yields: A Laser-Induced Voltage Investigation. Energy & Fuels, 2019.1.15, 33(2): 1069~1073
Zeng Fuqiang; Yue Wenzheng; Li Chao. Anisotropy Inversion in the Frequency Domain for Flexural Waves With Unmatched Sources. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2018.10, 15(10): 1530~1534
Zhan HL, Wang Y, Zhao K, Miao XY, Zhu J, Hao SJ, Yue Wenzheng, Wu SR. Surface phase-transition dynamics of ice probed by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Journal of Physics Communications, 2018, 2, 085025
Jing Zhu; XinYang Miao; Kun Zhao; HongLei Zhan; Qiong Zhou; WenZheng Yue. Characterizing the rock perforation process by laser-induced voltage response. Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy, 2018.5, 61(05): 054221
Miao Xinyang; Zhu Jing; Zhao Kun; Zhan Honglei; Yue Wenzheng. Determining the Humidity-Dependent Ortho-to-Para Ratio of Water Vapor at Room Temperature Using Terahertz Spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy, 2018.7, 72(7): 1040~1046
Zeng Fuqiang; Yue Wenzheng; Li Chao. Dispersion analysis of borehole sonic measurements by Hilbert transform and band-pass filters. Geophysics, 2018.8, 83(4): D127~D150
Lin Wang; Lizhi Xiao; Wenzheng Yue. NMR Characterization of Pore Structure and Connectivity for Nano-self-assembly -Al2O3 and Precursor. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2018.10, 49(10): 1099~1118
Zeng Fuqiang; Yue Wenzheng; Li Chao . Quaternion-based anisotropic inversion for flexural waves in horizontal transverse isotropic formations with unmatched sources: A synthetic example. Geophysics, 2018.10, 83(5): A69~A74
Zeng Fuqiang; Yue Wenzheng; Li Chao .Simultaneous anisotropy inversion and type identification in the frequency domain for flexural waves in horizontal transverse isotropic media. Geophysics, 2018.12, 83(6): C221~C237
Honglei Zhan; Mengxi Chen; Kun Zhao; Yizhang Li; Xinyang Miao; Haimu Ye; Yue Ma; Shijie Hao; Hongfang Li; Wenzheng Yue. The mechanism of the terahertz spectroscopy for oil shale detection. Energy, 2018.10.15, 161: 46~51
Miao Xinyang; Zhu Jing; Li Yizhang; Zhan Honglei; Zhao Kun; Yue Wenzheng. Transient laser-induced voltaic response in a partially illuminated dielectric core. Laser Physics, 2018.8, 28(8): 086001
Miao, XY; Zhu, J; Li, YZ; Zhao, K; Zhan, HL; Yue, Wenzheng. Ultraviolet laser-induced voltage in anisotropic shale JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2018, 51(04): 045503
Liu H, Wang B., Ali M., Tao G., Yue W.Z., Sun H. A First-order qSV-wave Propagator in 2D VTI Media, 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018
岳文正. 高区分率阵列声波测井反射成像储层识别要领. 测井手艺, 2018.2, 42(01): 25~30
岳文正. 基于高速互联网的石油测井教学应用. 高教学刊, 2018, (10): 94~96
岳文正. 基于网络手艺的教学要领及其在石油测井教学中的应用. 教育教学论坛, 2018, (36): 170~172
Li Chao, Yue Wenzheng, High-resolution Radon transforms for improved dipole acoustic imaging ,Geophysical Prospecting ,2017 ,65(2): 467-484
Yue Wenzheng, Investigation on pore-scale transport properties of sonic wave using numerical simulation with digital rock ,2017 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston
Zeng Fuqiang ,Yue Wenzheng, Simultaneous anisotropy inversion and type identification in frequency domain in HTI media ,2017 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston
岳文正. 高区分率阵列声波测井反射成像储层识别要领研究, 2017油气藏勘探与开发国际聚会 ,成都 ,2017.9
Liu, H; Wang, B; Tao, G; Zhang, K; Yue, WZ. Study on the simulation of acoustic logging measurements in horizontal and deviated wells, APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 14(3):337-350
Miao, XY; Zhu, J ; Li, YZ ; Zhao, K ; Zhan, HL ; Yue, WZ. Ultraviolet laser-induced voltage in anisotropic shale, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2017, 51(4): 045503, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aaa17d
Miao, XY;Zhu, J; Zhao, K ; Yue, WZ. Ultraviolet laser-induced lateral photovoltaic response in anisotropic black shale, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 2017, 123(12): 276, DOI: 10.1007/s00340-017-6857-x
Wang Yong, Yue Wenzheng, Zhang Mo ,Numerical research on the anisotropic transport of thermal neutron in heterogeneous porous media with micron X-ray computed tomography ,Scientific Reports ,2016 ,6: 27488
Liu Hang, Tao Guo, Zhang Kuo, Yue Wenzheng. Modelling Acoustic Measurements in Horizontaland Deviated Wells and Anisotropic Slowness Estimation for VTI Formations, 78 th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2016, Vienna, Austria, 30 May – 2 June 2016
Li Chao, Yue Wenzheng, 2015, High-resolution adaptive beamforming for borehole acoustic reflection imaging. Geophysics, 80(6): D565-D574
Li Chao, YUE Wenzheng, 2015, High Resolution Reflection Separation Method for Dipole Acoustic Logging. 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2015 IFEMA, 2015/7/1-2015/7/4, Madrid,, 1-4 June 2015
李超、岳文正、汤昌晟、陈兆影. 2014, 高区分率Radon变换及其在声反射成像测井中的应用. 地球物理学希望, 4: 1678-1688
Li Chao, Yue Wenzheng, 2014, Borehole Acoustic Reflection Imaging with High Resolution Azimuth Estimation, 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Netherland
Li Chao, Yue Wenzheng, 2014, Elastic wave reverse time migration for directional dipole reflection imaging, SEG Annual Meeting, Denver
Lu chuan, Yue Wenzheng, 2014, The Method of Obtaining Permeability in Compact Sandstone Reservoir: Case in Dongpu Depressed, CPS/SEG Beijing 2014 International Geophysical Conference, Beijing China
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, 2013, Investigation of electrical anisotropy with digital rock models, 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, London, UK, 8-15 July
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, 2013, Numerical Experiments for electrical anisotropy of digital rock with fluids, 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, London, UK, 8-15 July
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, 2013, A New Non-Archie Model for Pore Structure Using Digital Rock Experiments with Lattice Gas Automation, Geophysical Journal International, 195(1): 282-291
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Wang Shangxu, 2010, 2-D numerical simulation of digital rock experiments with lattice gas automation for electrical properties of reservoir formation, Geophysical Journal International, 183(3): 1316-1323.
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Liu Zhen-Wu, 2006, Identifying reservoir fluids by wavelet transform of well logs, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 9(5): 574-581.
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, 2005, A new type of neural network for reservoir identification using geophysical well logs, Mathematical Geology, 37(3):247-260
Tao Guo, Yue Wenzheng, Li Baoton, Fang Chaoliang, 2006, Electrical transport properties of fluid-saturated porous rocks by 2D lattice gas automata, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 9(3): 274-279.
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Zhu Keqin, 2004, Investigation of resistivity of saturated porous media with lattice Boltzmann method, Chinese Physics Letters, 21(10):2059-2062
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Chai Xiyuan, 2011, Investigation of effects of clay content on F-Phi relationship by Lattice gas automation using digital rock model, Petroleum Science, 8(2): 170-176.
Yue Wen-Zheng, Tao Guo, Chai Xi-Yuan, Cui Dong-Zi, 2011, Digital core approach to the effects of clay on the electrical properties of saturated rocks using lattice gas automation, Applied Geophysics, 8(1): 11-17.
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Liu Dongming, 2009, Numerical simulation of non-Archie electrophysical property of saturated rock with lattice Boltzmann method, Petroleum Science , 6(1): 24-28.
Tao Guo, He Fengjiang, Yue Wenzheng, 2008, Processing of array sonic logging data with multi-scale STC technique, Petroleum Science, 5(3): 238-241.
Yue WenZheng, Tao Guo, 2007, A new type of neural network based on resultant force competition for pattern recognition, DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS, 14(S3):609-613
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, 2006, A new method for reservoir fluid identification, Applied Geophysics, 3(2): 124-129.
Yue Wenzheng, Li Zheng, Zhu Ke-Qin, Tao Guo, 2005, Estimate of Conductivity of Binary Mixtures Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 48(2):480-485
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Zhu Ke-Qin, 2005, Numerical Simulation of Resistivity of Saturated Porous Media with Lattice Gas Automation, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 48(1):206-212
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Zhu Keqin, 2004, Numerical Modeling for Electrical Transport Properties of Saturated Porous Media with Lattice Gas Automation, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 47(5):1019-1025
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, 2003, Reservoir Fluid Identification By The Wavelet Transform,  Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 46(6): 1241-1250
Wang Bing, Tao Guo, Yue Wenzheng, 2011, Extracting Near Borehole P And S Reflections from Acoustic Logging Measurements, 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Vienna, Austria, 23-26 May 2011
Wang Hua, Tao Guo, Wang Bing, Yue Wenzheng, 2010, Wave Field Simulation and Data Acquisition Scheme Analysis for LWD Acoustic Tool in Very Slow Formation, 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Barcelona, Spain, 14 - 17 June 2010
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Chai Xiyuan, 2007, Simulation on Resistivity of Saturated Porous Media with Lattice Boltzmann Method, EAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition, London, UK, 11 - 14 June 2007
Tao Guo, He Fengjiang, Yue Wenzheng, Li LS, 2007, Processing of Array Sonic Logging Data with Multi-Scale STC Technique, EAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition, London, UK, 11 - 14 June 2007  
Yue Wenzheng, Tao Guo, Liu Zhen-Wu, 2006, Identifying reservoir fluids by wavelet transform of well logs, 2004 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 891-899.
Tao Guo, Yue Wenzheng, Li Baoton, Fang Chaoliang, 2004, Electrical transport properties of fluids saturated porous rocks by 2D lattice gas automata, SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 709-716.
岳文正, 陶果, 2008, 饱和多相流体岩石导电纪律的数值实验, 中国科学(D辑:地球科学), 33(增1): 154-160.
岳文正, 李征, 朱克勤, 陶果, 2005, 格子玻耳兹曼要领盘算混淆物整体电导率, 地球物理学报, 48(2): 434-438. 
陶果, 岳文正, 谢然红, 朱益华, 2005, 岩石物理的理论模拟和数值实验新要领, 地球物理学希望, 20(1): 4-11. 
岳文正, 陶果, 朱克勤, 2005, 二维格子气自念头模拟孔隙介质的电传输特征, 地球物理学报, 48(1): 189-195. 
岳文正, 陶果, 朱克勤, 2004, 饱和多相流体岩石电性的格子气模拟, 地球物理学报, 47(5): 905-910. 
岳文正, 陶果, 2004, 地球物理测井多参数综合识别储层流体类型的新型神经网络, 石油大学学报(自然科学版), 28(3): 30-32,42. 
岳文正, 陶果, 2003, 小波变换在识别储层流体性子中的应用, 地球物理学报, 46(6): 863-869.
岳文正, 陶果, 赵克超, 2002, 用核磁共振及岩石物理实验求地层约束水饱和度及平均孔隙半径, 测井手艺, 26(1): 22-25.
岳文正, 陶果, 2010, 石油高等教育国际化面临的问题及应对战略 ,公海彩船学报(社会科学版), S(2): 8-9







5.European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE) ,会员;

6.Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) ,会员;

7.Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) ,会员;




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