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唐相路 研究员


唐相路 ,博士生导师 ,校青年拔尖 ,《Petroleum Science》青年编委 ,美国石油地质学家协会(AAPG)、国际沉积学家协会(IAS)会员 ,北京市自然科学奖第一完成人。先后就读于公海彩船(华东)、中国科学院大学、公海彩船(北京)、美国犹他大学(University of Utah)。研究领域为非通例油气地质学。近年来主要开展页岩储层和致密储层细腻表征、页岩油气成藏机理等研究。先后主持和加入国家自然科学基金、国家科技重大专项等项目20余项 ,获省部级科学手艺奖一等奖6项、二等奖2项。相关效果在地学领域着名期刊《AAPG Bulletin》、《Fuel》等揭晓学术论文70余篇 ,被引超2000次 ,合著学术专著3部 ,授权发明专利9项 ,盘算机软件著作权1项 ,制订行业标准1项。






以兴趣为导向选择研究课题 ,接纳指导、交流与相互探讨的作育方法 ,注重作育学生的批判性思索能力、综合剖析息争决问题的能力 ,强调自动从事创立性科研运动 ,充分挖掘学生立异潜力。结业生均进入三桶油、政府机构或继续深造。接纳生涯津贴+科研激励的方法增进学生生长。国家及学校奖学金>*0000元/年 ;科研组入学奖学金:一次性奖励保送研究生*0000元 ,一自愿报考380分及以上*0000元 ,360分及以上*0000元 ,360分以下*000元 ;科研组生涯津贴*0000~*0000元/年 ;揭晓论文:Nature子刊*0000元/篇 ,1区*0000元/篇 ,2~4区*000元/篇 ,EI及焦点*000元/篇 ,授权发明专利*000元/项 ;别的 ,尚有学年奖、结业奖等(≥*0000元)发放。受政策限制 ,详情咨询导师或者课题组同砚。诚邀宽大对石油地质有兴趣的同砚加盟 ,配合开拓国际领先的非通例油气勘探。



地点:北京市昌平区府学路18号 ,102249


1、国家自然科学基金:深层页岩纳米孔隙介质外貌性子及其流体赋存的限域效应 ,主持.

2、国家自然科学基金:页岩气垂向散失的动力与微观通道及其控气作用 ,主持.

3、国家自然科学基金:陆相页岩储层岩石组构和孔隙结构特征及其对含气性的控制机理 ,主干.

4、国家自然科学基金:页岩储层孔隙结构演化及其润湿性对流体运移的影响 ,主干.

5、国家自然科学基金:未熟-低熟页岩低温催化生气机理及气体的地球化学表征 ,主干.

6、国家科技重大专项:五峰-龙马溪组富有机质页岩储层细腻形貌与页岩气成藏机理 ,主干.

7、战略相助项目:玛湖凹陷风城组页岩储层有利岩相及多标准孔缝系统评价研究 ,主持.

8、揭榜挂帅项目:四川盆地古生界海相页岩储层发育机理及有用性评价 ,主干.

9、揭榜挂帅项目:川南龙马溪组页岩储层成岩演化历程及对含气性的控制机理研究 ,主干.


1、海相页岩气富集机理与评价要害手艺及应用效果 ,中国石油和化学工业团结会 ,科技前进奖一等奖 ,2023.

2、页岩储层流体赋存状态及储集能力定量评价要害手艺及应用 ,中国发明协会 ,发明创业奖立异奖一等奖 ,2023.

3、页岩纳米孔隙结构及流体赋存机制研究 ,北京市人民政府 ,自然科学奖二等奖 ,2022.

4、绿色矿山青年科学手艺奖 ,中关村绿色矿山工业同盟 ,青年科学手艺奖 ,2022.

5、川南五峰—龙马溪组页岩气富集机理及评价要害手艺 ,中关村绿色矿山工业同盟 ,科技前进一等奖 ,2021.

6、南方海相页岩成储-成藏机理及评价手艺与应用 ,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会 ,科技前进一等奖 ,2020.

7、中国西部陆相致密油成藏富集机理及其应用效果 ,中国石油和化学工业团结会 ,科技前进奖一等奖 ,2019.

8、页岩气剖析测试要害手艺及评价要领系统研究与应用 ,自然资源部 ,领土资源科学手艺奖二等奖 ,2018.


1、Pore Structure and Its Influencing Factors of Shale Oil Reservoir in Jianghan Basin, China. Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. USA ,P233 ,2020.

2、中国典范海相和陆相页岩储层孔隙结构及含气性.科学出书社 ,P388 ,2018.

3、页岩气生长模式与启示.华东理工大学出书社 ,P240 ,2017.



Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Yuan, Z., Jiao, Y., Lin, C., & Liu, X. (2023). Pore Water and Its Multiple Controlling Effects on Natural Gas Enrichment of the Quaternary Shale in Qaidam Basin, China. Energies, 16(17), 6170.

Miao, H., Jiang, Z., Tang, X., Wang, G., Wu, Q., Fan, W., & Zheng, H. (2023). Strata Uplift Controlled Deep Shale Gas Accumulation Modes: A Case Study from the Weiyuan Block, Sichuan Basin. Energy & Fuels, 37(17), 12889-12904.

Miao, H., Jiang, Z., Tang, X., Deng, Z., Zhang, C., Liang, Z., & Shi, Y. (2023). Hydrocarbon generation potential and organic matter accumulation patterns in organic-rich shale during the mesoproterozoic oxygenation event: evidence from the Xiamaling formation shale. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 9(1), 134.

Duan, X., Wu, Y., Jiang, Z., Hu, Z., Tang, X., Zhang, Y., ... & Chen, W. (2023). A New Method for Predicting the Gas Content of Low-Resistivity Shale: A Case Study of Longmaxi Shale in Southern Sichuan Basin, China. Energies, 16(17), 6169.

Wu, W., Liang, Z., Xu, L., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Tang, X., ... & Chen, Y. (2023). The Effect of Thermal Maturity on the Pore Structure Heterogeneity of Xiamaling Shale by Multifractal Analysis Theory: A Case from Pyrolysis Simulation Experiments. Minerals, 13(10), 1340.

Zhang, F., Jiang, Z., Zhang, Y., Hu, B., Yang, Z., Yang, Y., Tang, X., & Han, Y. (2023). A New Method for Converting T 2 Spectrum into Pore Radius. Journal of Earth Science, 34(4), 966-974.

Zhao, W., Yang, L., Jiang, Z., He, W., Huang, L., Chang, Q., Tang, X., & Ye, H. (2023). Geneses of multi-stage carbonate minerals and their control on reservoir physical properties of dolomitic shales. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 153, 106216.

唐相路, 萧汉敏, 姜振学, 刘学伟, 杨再权, 刘格, & 张帆. (2023). 基于合金注入与大视域图像手艺的致密储层孔隙与喉道表征. 石油实验地质, 45(1), 185-192.

王昱超, 姜振学, 唐相路, 刘晓雪, 贺世杰, 邵泽宇, ... & 宋德康. (2023). 柴达木盆地三湖地区第四系七个泉组含水泥页岩 气体吸附及流动能力剖析. Natural Gas Geoscience, 34(2).

姜振学, 梁志凯, 申颍浩, 唐相路, 吴伟, 李卓, ... & 郭婕. (2023). 川南泸州地区页岩气甜点地质工程一体化要害要素耦合关系及攻关偏向. 地球科学, 48(1), 110-129.


Yang, Z., Tang, X., Xiao, H., Zhang, F., Jiang, Z., & Liu, G. (2022). Water film thickness of tight reservoir in Fuyu oil layer of Cretaceous Quantou Formation in Songliao Basin and its influence on the lower limit of seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 139, 105592.

Shi, Y., Tang, X., Wu, W., Jiang, Z., Xiang, S., Wang, M., ... & Xiao, Y. (2022). Control of complex structural deformation and fractures on shale gas enrichment in southern Sichuan Basin, China. Energy & Fuels, 36(12), 6229-6242.

He, S., Tang, X., Shao, Z., Jiang, Z., Wang, B., Liu, X., ... & Xu, M. (2022). Pore Structure Characteristics, Genesis, and Its Controlling Effect on Gas Migration of Quaternary Mudstone Reservoir in Qaidam Basin. Geofluids, 2022.

Liu, X., Jiang, Z., Liu, S., Zhang, B., Zhang, K., & Tang, X. (2022). Molecular simulation of methane adsorption capacity of matrix components of shale. Nanomaterials, 12(22), 4037.

Shi, X., Wu, W., Shi, Y., Jiang, Z., Zeng, L., Ma, S., Tang, X., & Zheng, M. (2022). Influence of Multi-Period Tectonic Movement and Faults on Shale Gas Enrichment in Luzhou Area of Sichuan Basin, China. Energies, 15(18), 6846.

Zhang, F., Jiang, Z., Xiao, H., Hu, B., Chen, P., Tang, X., ... & Wang, Q. (2022). Testing origin of reservoir quality difference of tight sandstones in the Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 137, 105507.

唐相路, 姜振学, 邵泽宇, 龙国徽, 贺世杰, 刘晓雪, & 王昱超. (2022). 第四系泥岩型生物气储层特征及动态成藏历程. 现代地质, 36(02), 682.

唐相路, 姜振学, 邵泽宇, 侯泽生, 贺世杰, 刘晓雪, & 王昱超. (2022). 第四系弱成岩泥页岩孔隙结构及物性特征. 石油实验地质, 44(2), 210-218.

薛子鑫, 姜振学, 郝绵柱, 唐相路, 李生杰, 聂舟, ... & 陈瑞华. (2022). 川南深层页岩有机质石墨化对储层孔隙的控制作用. 中南大学学报: 自然科学版, 53(9), 3532-3544.


Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Jiang, S., Wang, H., He, Z., & Feng, J. (2021). Structure, burial, and gas accumulation mechanisms of lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale gas reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin (China) and its periphery. AAPG Bulletin, 105 (12), 2425-2447.

Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Song, Y., Luo, Q., Li, Z., Wang, G., & Wang, X. (2021). Advances on the Mechanism of Reservoir Forming and Gas Accumulation of the Longmaxi Formation Shale in Sichuan Basin, China. Energy & Fuels, 35(5), 3972-3988.

Tang, X., Wu, W., Zhong, G., Jiang, Z., He, S., Liu, X., ... & Yang, J. (2021). Characteristics and Origin of Methane Adsorption Capacity of Marine, Transitional, and Lacustrine Shales in Sichuan Basin, China. Geofluids, 2021.

李兆丰, 唐相路, 黄立良, 常秋生, 杨磊磊, 杨再权. 准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组页岩岩相发育特征[J]. 能源与环保, 2021, 43(04): 108-114.

肖阳, 萧汉敏, 姜振学, 唐相路, 张帆, 朱林, 李晓慧. 恒速与高压压汞实验表征致密砂岩储层孔喉结构差别性剖析[J]. 能源与环保, 2021, 43(03): 59-63.


Jiang, Z., Yan, S., Tang, X., Zhuo, L. I., Xingmeng, W. A. N. G., Guozhen, W, & Hengyuan, Q. (2020). Controlling factors of marine shale gas differential enrichment in southern China. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 47(3), 661-673.

Zhou, T., Su, J., Fan, S., Li, Z., Liu, X., & Tang, X. (2020). Pore structure and controlling factors of dolomite-bearing high-salinity shale reservoir in Qianjiang Formation, Jianghan Basin, China. Interpretation, 8(4), T675-T686.

宋岩, 高凤琳, 唐相路, 陈磊, 王幸蒙. 海相与陆相页岩储层孔隙结构差别的影响因素[J]. 石油学报, 2020, 41(12): 1501-1512.

吴伟, 薛子鑫, 石学文, 姜振学, 王鑫, 刘晓雪, 贺世杰, 唐相路, 姜鸿阳. 有机质成熟度对南方海相页岩储层孔隙的控制作用[J]. 能源与环保, 2020, 42(07): 98-104.

姜振学, 宋岩, 唐相路, 李卓, 王幸蒙, 王国臻, 薛子鑫, 李鑫, 张昆, 常佳琦, 仇恒远. 中国南方海相页岩气差别富集的控制因素[J]. 石油勘探与开发, 2020, 47(03): 617-628.


Tang, X., Jiang, S., Jiang, Z., Li, Z., He, Z., Long, S., & Zhu, D. (2019). Heterogeneity of Paleozoic Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation shale and its effects on the shale gas accumulation in the Upper Yangtze Region, China. Fuel, 239, 387-402.

Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Jiang, S., Cheng, L., Zhong, N., Tang, L., & Zhou, W. (2019). Characteristics, capability, and origin of shale gas desorption of the Longmaxi Formation in the southeastern Sichuan Basin, China. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1035.

Fan, C., Tang, X*., Zhang, Y., Song, Y., Jiang, Z., Luo, Q., & Li, B. (2019). Characteristics and formation mechanisms of tight oil: A case study of the Huahai Depression, Jiuquan Basin, Northwest China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 37(1), 296-314.

Fan, C., Tang, X*., Zhang, Y., Song, Y., Jiang, Z., Luo, Q., & Li, B. (2019). Characteristics and origin of the pore structure of the lacustrine tight oil reservoir in the northwestern Jiuquan Basin, China. Interpretation, 7(3), T625-T636.

Tang, L., Song, Y., Jiang, Z., Pang, X., Li, Z., Li, Q., Li, W., Tang, X., Pan, A. (2019). Influencing Factors and Mathematical Prediction of Shale Adsorbed Gas Content in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, China. Minerals, 9(5), 265.

Tang, L., Song, Y., Li, Q., Pang, X., Jiang, Z., Li, Z., Tang, X., Yu, H., Sun, Y., Fan, S., Zhu, L. (2019). A Quantitative Evaluation of Shale Gas Content in Different Occurrence States of the Longmaxi Formation: A New Insight from Well JY‐A in the Fuling Shale Gas Field, Sichuan Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition, 93(2), 400-419.

Huang, H., Chen, L., Dang, W., Luo, T., Sun, W., Jiang, Z., Tang, X., Zhang, S., Ji, W., Shao, S., Huang, Y. (2019). Discussion on the rising segment of the mercury extrusion curve in the high pressure mercury intrusion experiment on shales. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 102, 615-624.

罗鹏, 刘晓雪, 郭宇衡, 唐相路*, 郑梦天, 李凌艳, 赵颖. (2019). 差别沉积类型富有机质页岩孔隙结构差别特征[J]. 能源与环保, 12, 53-60.

周雯, 姜振学, 仇恒远, 金晓春, 王瑞湖, 岑文攀, 唐相路, 李鑫, 王国臻, 曹香妮, 孙玥. (2019). 桂中坳陷下石炭统鹿寨组页岩气成藏条件和有利区展望[J]. 石油学报, 40(07), 798-812.


Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Jiang, S., Li, Z., Peng, Y., Xiao, D., & Xing, F. (2018). Effects of organic matter and mineral compositions on pore structures of shales: A comparative study of lacustrine shale in Ordos Basin and Marine Shale in Sichuan Basin, China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 36(1), 28-42.

Huang, H., Sun, W., Ji, W., Chen, L., Jiang, Z., Bai, Y., Tang, X., Du, K., Qu, Y., Ouyang, S. (2018). Impact of laminae on gas storage capacity: A case study in Shanxi Formation, Xiasiwan Area, Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 60, 92-102.

Huang, H., Chen, L., Sun, W., Xiong, F., Ji, W., Jia, J., Tang, X., Zhang, S., Gao, J., Luo, B. (2018). Pore-throat structure and fractal characteristics of Shihezi Formation tight gas sandstone in the Ordos Basin, China. Fractals, 26(02), 1840005.

Li, X., Jiang, Z., Song, Y., Zhai, G., Bao, S., Li, Z., Tang, X., Wang, P., Li, T., Wang, G., Zhou, W., Qiu, H., Miao, Y. (2018). Porosity evolution mechanisms of marine shales at over-maturity stage: Insight from comparable analysis between Lower Cambrian and Lower Silurian inside and at the margin of the Sichuan Basin, South China. Interpretation, 6(3), T739-T757.

Li, X., Jiang, Z., Wang, P., Song, Y., Li, Z., Tang, X., Li, T., Zhai, G., Bao, S., Xu, C., Wu, F. (2018). Porosity-preserving mechanisms of marine shale in Lower Cambrian of Sichuan Basin, South China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 55, 191-205.

唐令, 宋岩, 姜振学, 唐相路, 李卓, 李倩文, 孙玥. (2018). 渝东南盆缘转换带龙马溪组页岩气散失历程, 能力及其主控因素. 自然气工业, 38(12), 37-47.


Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Jiang, S., Cheng, L., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Characteristics and origin of in-situ gas desorption of the Cambrian Shuijingtuo Formation shale gas reservoir in the Sichuan Basin, China. Fuel, 187, 285-295.

Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Li, Z., Cheng, L., Zhang, Y., Sun, P., & Fan, C. (2017). Factors controlling organic matter enrichment in the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation Shale on the eastern shelf margin of the Yangtze Block, China. Interpretation, 5(3), T399-T410.

Jiang, S., Tang, X., Long, S., McLennan, J., Jiang, Z., Jiang, Z., ... & He, Z. (2017). Reservoir quality, gas accumulation and completion quality assessment of Silurian Longmaxi marine shale gas play in the Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 39, 203-215.

Jiang, S., Tang, X., Cai, D., Xue, G., He, Z., Long, S., ... & Dahdah, N. (2017). Comparison of marine, transitional, and lacustrine shales: A case study from the Sichuan Basin in China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 150, 334-347.

Jiang, S., Xiao, D., Tang, X., Xing, F., Xiang, C., Pahnke, P., Tom, A., Lu, S. (2017). Nano to Micron-Sized Pore Types and Pore Size Distribution Revealed by Innovative Test Methods-Case Studies from Fluvial, Lacustrine and Marine Tight and Shale Oil and Gas Plays in China and US. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17(9), 6296-6306.

蒋恕, 唐相路. (2017). 页岩油气富集的主控因素及误辩: 以美国, 阿根廷和中国典范页岩为例. 地球科学, 42(7), 1083-1091.

李卓, 姜振学, 唐相路, 王朋飞, 黄璞, 王国臻. (2017). 渝东南下志留统龙马溪组页岩岩相特征及其对孔隙结构的控制. 地球科学: 中国地质大学学报, 42(7), 1116-1123.


Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Jiang, S., & Li, Z. (2016). Heterogeneous nanoporosity of the Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale gas reservoir in the Sichuan Basin using the QEMSCAN, FIB-SEM, and nano-CT methods. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 78, 99-109.

Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Jiang, S., Wang, P., & Xiang, C. (2016). Effect of organic matter and maturity on pore size distribution and gas storage capacity in high-mature to post-mature shales. Energy & Fuels, 30(11), 8985-8996.

Tang, X., Jiang, Z., Huang, H., Jiang, S., Yang, L., Xiong, F., ... & Feng, J. (2016). Lithofacies characteristics and its effect on gas storage of the Silurian Longmaxi marine shale in the southeast Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 28, 338-346.

Wang, P., Jiang, Z., Chen, L., Yin, L., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Tang, X., Wang, G. (2016). Pore structure characterization for the Longmaxi and Niutitang shales in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China: Evidence from focused ion beam–He ion microscopy, nano-computerized tomography and gas adsorption analysis. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, 1323-1337.

Jiang, S., Peng, Y., Gao, B., Zhang, J., Cai, D., Xue, G.,Bao, S., Xu, Z., Tang, X., Dahdah, N. (2016). Geology and shale gas resource potentials in the Sichuan Basin, China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 34(5), 689-710.

唐相路, 冯洁, 姜振学, 李卓, 原园, 黄何鑫, 王朋飞, 温暖. 页岩油气储层的微观地质特征确定要领和装置[P]. 北京:CN105488349A,2016-04-13.

姜振学, 唐相路, 李卓, 黄何鑫, 杨佩佩, 杨潇, ... & 郝进. (2016). 川东南地区龙马溪组页岩孔隙结构全孔径表征及其对含气性的控制. 地学前缘, 23(2), 126-134.

姜振学, 李卓, 唐相路, 李卫兵, 黄何鑫. 页岩全孔径孔隙体积的表征要领[P]. 北京:CN105445161A,2016-03-30.

黄璞, 姜振学, 程礼军, 王朋飞, 唐相路, 王智. (2016). 川东北牛蹄塘组页岩孔隙结构特征及其控制因素. 大庆石油地质与开发, (05), 156-162.

杨潇, 姜振学, 宋岩, 黄何鑫, 唐相路, 纪文明, 陈磊. (2016). 渝东南牛蹄塘组与龙马溪组高演化海相页岩全孔径孔隙结构特征比照研究. 高校地质学报, 22(2), 368-377.

原园, 姜振学, 喻宸, 王朋飞, 李廷微, 郭天旭, 赵若彤 , 唐相路. (2016). 高品貌低演化水平湖相页岩储层特征——以柴达木盆地北缘中侏罗统为例. 地质学报, (2016 年 03), 541-552.


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