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高之业?研究员(教授) 博士生导师


高之业 研究员(教授) 博士生导师



男 ,汉族 ,博士生导师/硕士生导师 ,中共党员。



2010年8月至2014年5月 , 美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校地球与情形科学系  ,博士 ,导师:Dr. Qinhong Hu (胡钦红教授)。

2005年9月至2009年7月 ,南京大学地球科学与工程学院 ,地球化学专业 ,本科。



2023年7月至今 , 公海彩船(北京)非通例油气科学手艺研究院 ,研究员(教授)

2016年7月至2023年6月 , 公海彩船(北京)非通例油气科学手艺研究院 ,副研究员

2014年9月至2016年6月 ,公海彩船(北京)非通例自然气研究院 ,助理研究员


非通例油气储层评价 ,主要开展微纳米孔隙结构表征、储层润湿性、孔隙连通性、油气富集机制等研究事情。


《Marine and Petroleum Geology》副主编 [2017年至今]

《AAPG Bulletin》 副主编 [2021-2022年]

《Petroleum Science》 副主编 [2021-2023年]

《石油科学转达》副主编 [2023年至今]


1. 入选“爱思唯尔2022中国高被引学者”。

2. 2022年获中国发明协会发明创业奖立异奖一等奖(项目名称:非通例油气储层成岩-成孔机制与储集能力定量评价要害手艺及应用;小我私家排名为2/6)。

3. 2022年获北京市科学手艺奖自然科学奖二等奖(项目名称:页岩纳米孔隙结构及流体赋存机制研究;小我私家排名为8/8)。

4. 2021年获绿色矿山科学手艺奖科技前进一等奖(项目名称:川南五峰—龙马溪组页岩气富集机理及评价要害手艺;小我私家排名为9/15)。

5. 2020年获中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技前进奖一等奖(项目名称:南方海相页岩成储-成藏机理及评价手艺与应用;小我私家排名为8/15)。

6. 2019年获中国石油和化学工业团结会科技前进奖一等奖(项目名称:中国西部陆相致密油成藏富集机理及其应用效果;小我私家排名为13/15)。


1. 页岩储层孔隙结构演化及其润湿性对流体运移的影响(41972145) ,国家自然科学基金面上项目 ,主持 ,起止时间:2020.01.01-2023.12.31。

2. 页岩储层基质孔隙连通性及其定量评价要领(41502125) ,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金 ,主持 ,起止时间:2016.01.01-2018.12.31。

3. 玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油成藏富集机理及可动性评价研究 ,中石油战略相助科技专项 ,专题认真人 ,起止时间:2020.01.01-2024.12.31。

4. 非通例油气富集机制与地球物理甜点识别(U1562215) ,国家自然科学基金石油化工团结基金(A类)重点支持项目, 使命认真人 ,起止时间:2016.01.01 -2019.12.31。

5. 差别类型页岩气天生气理与富集纪律研究(2016ZX05034-001) ,国家科技重大专项 ,项目主干 ,起止时间:2016.01.01-2020.12.31。

6. 五峰-龙马溪组富有机质页岩储层细腻表征与页岩气成藏机理(2017ZX05035-002) ,国家科技重大专项 ,项目主干 ,起止时间:2017.01.01-2020.12.31。

7. 永乐8区周缘油气运移模拟及成藏机制研究 ,中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司 ,主持 ,起止时间:2019年12月至2021年3月。

8. 低渗区油气泉源及充注历程剖析测试 ,中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司 ,主持 ,起止时间:2017年8月至2019年3月。


1. 第一作者揭晓论文21篇 ,其中SCI论文17篇。

[1] Zhiye Gao, Longfei Duan, Zhenxue Jiang, et al., 2023. Using laser scanning confocal microscopy combined with saturated oil experiment to investigate the pseudo in-situ occurrence mechanism of light and heavy components of shale oil in sub-micron scale. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 220, 111234.(SCI)

[2] Zhiye Gao, Shuling Xiong, Lin Wei, 2022. The new multistage water adsorption model of Longmaxi Formation shale considering the spatial configuration relationship between organic matter and clay minerals. Petroleum Science, 19, 1950-1963.(SCI)

[3] Zhiye Gao, Qixiang Xuan, Qinhong Hu, et al. 2021. Pore structure evolution characteristics of continental shale in China indicated from thermal simulation experiments. AAPG Bulletin, 105(11), 2159-2180.(SCI)

[4] Zhiye Gao, Yupeng Fan, Qinhong Hu, et al.2020. The effects of pore structure on wettability and methane adsorption capability of Longmaxi Formation shale from the southern Sichuan Basin in China. AAPG Bulletin, 104(6), 1375-1399.(SCI)

[5] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu.2018. Pore structure and spontaneous imbibition characteristics of marine and continental shales in China. AAPG Bulletin, 102(10),1941-1961. (SCI)

[6] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu.2016. Wettability of Mississippian Barnett Shale samples at different depths: Investigations from directional spontaneous imbibition. AAPG Bulletin, 100(1),101-114. (SCI)

[7] Zhiye Gao, Zhu Liang, Qinhong Hu, et al. 2021. A new and integrated imaging and compositional method to investigate the contributions of organic matter and inorganic minerals to the pore spaces of lacustrine shale in China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 127, 104962. (SCI)

[8] Zhiye Gao, Yupeng Fan, Qinhong Hu, et al.2019. A review of shale wettability characterization using spontaneous imbibition experiments. Marine and Petroleum Geology,109, 330-338. (SCI)

[9] Zhiye Gao, Xibing Yang, Chenhui Hu, et al.2019. Characterizing the pore structure of low permeability Eocene Liushagang Formation reservoir rocks from Beibuwan Basin in northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology,99,107-121. (SCI)

[10] Zhiye Gao, Shuo Yang, Zhenxue Jiang, et al.2018.Investigating the spontaneous imbibition characteristics of continental Jurassic Ziliujing Formation shale from the northeastern Sichuan Basin and correlations to pore structure and composition. Marine and Petroleum Geology,98,697-705. (SCI)

[11] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu. 2016.Initial water saturation and imbibition fluid affect spontaneous imbibition into Barnett shale samples. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34,541-551. (SCI)

[12] Zhiye Gao and Shuling Xiong.2021. Methane Adsorption Capacity Reduction Process of Water-Bearing Shale Samples and Its Influencing Factors: One Example of Silurian Longmaxi Formation Shale from the Southern Sichuan Basin in China. Journal of Earth Science, 32(4), 946-959. (SCI)

[13] Zhiye Gao, Longfei Duan, Qinhong Hu, et al.2021. Effect of shale sample particle size on pore structure obtained from high pressure mercury intrusion porosimetry. Geofluids, Article ID 5581541, 15 pages.(SCI)

[14] Zhiye Gao, Qinhong Hu, Shoichiro Hamamoto.2018. Using multi-cycle mercury intrusion porosimetry to investigate hysteresis phenomenon of different porous media. Journal of Porous Media,21(7),607-622. (SCI)

[15] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu.2015. Investigating the effect of median pore-throat diameter on spontaneous imbibition. Journal of Porous Media, 18(12),1231-1238. (SCI)

[16] Zhiye Gao, Qinhong Hu, Hecheng Liang. 2013. Gas diffusivity in porous media: Determination by mercury intrusion porosimetry and correlation to porosity and permeability. Journal of Porous Media, 16(7), 607-617. (SCI)

[17] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu. 2013. Estimating permeability using median pore-throat radius obtained from mercury intrusion porosimetry. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 10(2), 025014. (SCI)

[18] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu. 2012. Using spontaneous water imbibition to measure the effective permeability of building materials. Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal, 3(3),209-213.

[19] Zhiye Gao, Yupeng Fan, Qixiang Xuan, et al. 2020. A review of shale pore structure evolution characteristics with increasing thermal maturities. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 4, 247-259.

[20] 高之业, 熊书苓 ,成雨 ,等. 2021. 川南地区龙马溪组页岩储层水接触角及其稳固性影响因素.特种油气藏, 28(5), 10-16.

[21] 高之业, 范毓鹏, 胡钦红, 等, 2020. 川南地区龙马溪组页岩有机质孔隙差别化发育特征及其对储集空间的影响.石油科学转达, 5(1), 1-16.

2. 通讯作者文章8篇。

[1] Zhiwei Wang, Zhiye Gao*, Wenjun He, et al., 2023. Using Spontaneous Imbibition to Evaluate the Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Potential of Shale Reservoirs: A Case Study of the Permian Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin. Energy & Fuels, 37, 360-372.(SCI)

[2] Shuling Xiong, Zhiye Gao*, Weihang Wei, et al., 2023. Differential effects of pore structure of mineral and maceral components on the methane adsorption capacity evolution of the lower jurassic Da’anzhai member of the Ziliujing Formation lacustrine shale, Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 147, 106017.(SCI)

[3] Weihang Wei, Zhiye Gao*, Zhenxue Jiang, et al., 2022. The comparative study of shale pore structure between outcrop and core samples of Ziliujing Formation shale from the northeastern Sichuan Basin in China. Energy Reports, 8, 8618-8629.(SCI)

[4] Weihang Wei, Zhiye Gao*, Qinhong Hu, et al., 2022. The Multitype Pore Structure Evolution Characteristics of Ziliujing Formation Shale from the Northeastern Sichuan Basin in China: Experimental Study Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering Technology. Energy & Fuels, 36, 12533-12543.(SCI)

[5] Lin Wei, Zhiye Gao*, Maria Mastalerz, et al. 2019. Influence of water hydrogen on the hydrogen stable isotope ratio of methane at low versus high temperatures of methanogenesis. Organic Geochemistry, 128, 137-147.

[6] Kun Zhang, Zhenxue Jiang*, Xuelian Xie, Zhiye Gao *, et al. 2018. Lateral percolation and its effect on shale gas accumulation on the basis of complex tectonic background. Geofluids, vol 2018, Article ID 5195469.

[7] Kun Zhang, Zhenxue Jiang*, Lishi Yin, Zhiye Gao *, et al. 2017. Controlling functions of hydrothermal activity to shale gas content-taking lower Cambrian in Xiuwu Basin as an example. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 85, 177-193.

[8] 郑国伟 ,高之业* ,黄立良 ,等.2022. 准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷二叠系风城组页岩储层润湿性及其主控因素.石油与自然气地质,43(5),1206-1220.

3. 以第一发明人授权国家发明专利7项。

[1] 一种定量表征页岩储层岩石润湿性的要领和装置, 专利号ZL201810431064.5;

[2] 页岩三维接触角及润湿非均质性评价系统, 专利号ZL201910428652.8;

[3] 渗吸切割一体化的页岩渗吸装置和渗吸效率参数确定要领, 专利号ZL201910681469.9;

[4] 一种用于去除岩样中无机碳的预处置惩罚装置, 专利号ZL201811337731.X;

[5] 岩石样撇傩磨与疏散装置与要领, 专利号ZL201911080431.2.

[6]一种页岩动态渗吸装置和确定动态渗吸影响效果的要领, 专利号ZL202011229052.8

[7]一种页岩储层润湿性评价要领及装置, 专利号ZL202011176488.5

4. 以第一作者出书专著1部。

[1]页岩气赋存状态转化机理与定量评价. 石油工业出书社 ,2021.
