





CUP hosted its 2020 commencement ceremony online on 28th June 2020 in the open space of the campus center square. 2345 Bachelor degrees, 1723 Master degrees and 127 PhD degrees have been awarded during the ceremony. CUP provided graduating students of 2020 class the opportunity to return to CUP to join degree conferring ceremony in the future. The ceremony was live-streamed on various media and social media platforms.


In an incredibly touching speech by the president of CUP Prof. Zhang Laibin, he has expressed his dearest wish and extended his warmest congratulations to all the graduating students of the class of 2020. Prof. Zhang said it was important to learn finding opportunities out of difficulties, to keep open-minded to explore unknown future and to integrate individual’s dream and vision into the country's, society's and the world's after one's graduation. He quoted Nikolai Ostrovsky “ … man must live it (life) to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past …” to encourage all the graduating students to keep their aspiration and hard work to reach culmination in their future life.


Ding Guiyang of CUP Karamay campus, Shu Yinhui of Geophysics College and international student Bo Gu delivered commencement speech respectively on behalf of undergraduates, post-graduates and international graduating students of 2020 class. They reviewed their learning experiences and expressed their appreciation to their tutors and fellow students. Representatives of fellow faculty, students on campus and alumni also extended their best wishes to the graduating students.


In the end of ceremony, all the participants on campus sung the CUP anthem.
