
目今位置: 首页» 师资步队» 正高» 郑树启【教授、博导】




郑树启 ,男 ,山东临沭人 ,197012月生 ,教授 ,博士生导师 。


1988.09-1992.07 山东工业大学第二机械工程系本科

1997.09-1999.12 山东工业大学质料科学与工程学院硕士

1999.09-2002.07 山东大学质料科学与工程学院博士

2002.10-2006.04 日本富山大学博士后

2006.06- 公海彩船(北京)新能源与质料学院西席








1国家自然科学基金面上项目全标准分级结构团结能带调控进一步优化SnTe热电输运性能研究 (2019-2022)





1横向项目:新疆煤制气外输管道工程介质组分对X80管材的影响及适用性评价 (2012-2015)


3横向项目:运送2%氢气含量的煤制气X80管材缺陷容限研究 (2018-2019)




1Wu Yue, Xiaofan Zhang, Boyi Wang, Jingxuan Liang, Zipei Zhang, Jiawei Yang, Ximeng Dong, Shuqi Zheng*, Huai-zhou Zhao*. Decoupling of Thermoelectric Transport performance of Ag doped and Se alloyed Tellurium Induced by Carrier Mobility Compensation , Journal of Materials Science & Technology ,101(2022)71-79.

2Zipei Zhang, Yuan Gao, Yue Wu, Boyi Wang, Weilu Sun, Lu Yu, Sitong Wei and Shuqi Zheng* ,P-type doping of transition metal elements to optimize the thermoelectric properties of CuGaTe2 ,Chemical Engineering Journal ,427(2022)131807.

3Ke Yang, Teng An, Jinglong Qu, Jinhui Du, Hailong Qin, Shuqi Zheng and Zhongnan Bi ,The Synergistic Effects of grain boundary and g? precipitates on the stress-rupture properties of GH4710 alloy ,Materials Science & Engineering A ,832(2022)142459.

4Xiangli Wen, Pengpeng Bai, Jingxuan Liang, Shuqi Zheng, Yu Tian. Slab model studies of H2S adsorption/dissociation and diffusion on pristine FeS(001) surfaces and FeS(001) surfaces with pre-adsorbed X atoms (X = H, O, and S). Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 18(2022)1124-1136.

5Ximeng Dong, Wenlin Cui, Weidi Liu ,Shuqi Zheng*, Lei Gao, Luo Yue, Yue Wu, Boyi Wang Zipei Zhang , Liqiang Chen and Zhigang Chen ,Synergistic band convergence and defect engineering boost thermoelectric performance of SnTe ,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 86(2021)204-209.

6Shuai Zhang, Juan Li, Teng An, Shuqi Zheng*, Ke Yang , Liang Lv, Chuang Xie and Liqiang Chen, Lin Zhang. Influence of hydrogen partial pressure on fracture toughness and fatigue properties of a high-strength pipeline steel analyzed by in-situ hydrogen permeation ,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ,46(2021) 20621-20629

7Boyi Wang, Shuqi Zheng*, Qing Wang, Zhiliang Li, Juan Li, Zipei Zhang, Yue Wu, Bensheng Zhu, Siyu Wang, Yuxuan Chen, Liqiang Chen, Zhi-Gang Chen. Synergistic modulation of power factor and thermal conductivity in Cu3SbSe4 towards high thermoelectric performance, Nano Energy 71(2020)104658.

8Lijun Wang, Min Hong, Qiang Sun, Yuan Wang, Luo Yue, Shuqi Zheng, * Jin Zou,* and Zhi-Gang Chen. Hierarchical structuring to break the amorphous limit of lattice thermal conductivity in high-performance thermoelectric SnTe-based alloys. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 32, 36370–36379.

9Tian Zhou, Lijun Wang ,*Shuqi Zheng. Self-Assembled 3D Flower-like Hierarchical Ti-doped Cu3SbSe4 Microspheres with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity and High zT. Nano Energy. 49(2018)221-229.

10Zhiliang Li, Yudong Chen, Hong Chen, Shuqi Zheng*, Teng Fang, Ting Huang, Hui Cheng, Guiwu Lu. A Simple and Effective Route to Control Synthesize SnTe Nanoparticles, and Their Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties Depended on the Size Effect. Nano Energy, 28(2016)78-86.

11Juan Li, *Shuqi Zheng. Designing high-performance n-type Mg3Sb2-based thermoelectric materials through forming solid solution and biaxial strain ,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(2018)20454-20462.

12Lijun Wang ,*Shuqi Zheng. High Thermoelectric performance of co-doped SnTe via scalable bottom-up method. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(2017) 22612?22619.

13Xiangli Wen, Pengpeng Bai, Shuqi Zheng?, Yu Tian. Adsorption and dissociation mechanism of hydrogen sulfide on layered FeS surfaces: A dispersion-corrected DFT study. Applied Surface Science ,537(2021)147905.

14B. Wang, S. Zheng*, Y. Chen, Q. Wang, Z. Li,**, Y. Wu, J. Li, Y. Mu, S. Xu, J. Liang. Realizing ultra-low thermal conductivity in Cu3SbSe4 via all-scale phonon scattering by co-constructing multi-scale heterostructure and IIIB element doping, Materials Today Energy, 19(2021)100620.

15Teng An, Shujie Li, Jinglong Qu, Jie Shi, Shuai Zhang, Liqiang Chen, Shuqi Zheng?, Feng Yang. The dual effects of shot peening on the tensile and fatigue properties of X80 steels in-situ hydrogen environment. International Journal of Fatigue 129 (2019) 105235.



2国家能源科技前进奖2013年度科技前进二等奖 。


已结业博士研究生13 ,硕士研究生41人 。




地点:北京市昌平区府学路18号 电话:010-89734836 联系公海彩船:cnem@cup.edu.cn

新型碳质料研究室 能源质料微结构实验室 公海彩船(北京)测试中心 学校主页