






姓名: 曹仁义

职称: 教授,博士生导师


2000-2004 公海彩船(华东) 本科

2004-2009 公海彩船(北京) 博士研究生

2009-2010 University of Colorado at Boulder 博士后

2009-现在 公海彩船(北京)西席


电子邮箱: caorenyi@126.com; caorenyi@cup.edu.cn






[1] 曹仁义,程林松,郝炳英,许家峰,姚大伟.粘弹性聚合物溶液孔喉模子流变换力剖析[J].高分子质料科学与工程,2008(03):15-18.

[2] Cao R, Cheng L, Zhu L. Coupled permeability model of ASP solution and porous media[C]//2009 International Forum on Porous Flow and Applications, April. 2009: 24-26.

[3] Cao R, Cheng L, Zee Ma Y. Model for rheological behavior of crude oil and alkali-surfactant-polymer emulsion[J]. The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal, 2014, 7(1).

[4] Cao R, Zee Ma Y, Gomez E. Geostatistical applications in petroleum reservoir modelling[J]. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2014, 114(8): 625-631.

[5] Cao R, Cheng L, Lian P. Flow behavior of viscoelastic polymer solution in porous media[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2015, 36(1): 41-50.

[6] 曹仁义,阳小平,范晶,徐俊杰,江任开,陈岭.储气库注采井压力全历程评价要领[J].油气储运,2014,33(12):1310-1316.

[7] Cao R, Yang H, Sun W, et al. A new laboratory study on alternate injection of high strength foam and ultra-low interfacial tension foam to enhance oil recovery[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2015, 125: 75-89.

[8] 曹仁义,周焱斌,熊琪,阎逸群.低渗透油藏平面波及系数评价及改善潜力[J].油气地质与采收率,2015,22(01):74-77+83.

[9] Cao R, Wang Y, Cheng L, et al. A new model for determining the effective permeability of tight formation[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2016, 112(1): 21-37.

[10] Cao R Y, Chen L , Ma Y Z , et al. Characteristics of unsteady flow in porous media while considering threshold pressure gradient with Green's function[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2016(1):201-208.

[11] Cao R, Sun C, Ma Y Z. Modeling wettability variation during long-term water flooding[J]. Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 7(7).

[12] 曹仁义,安娜,田虓丰,王阳,徐中一.致密储层微纳喉道微标准效应流动模拟[J].中国科技论文,2016,11(11):1254-1258.

[13] Cao R, Ye L, Lei Q, et al. Gas-water flow behavior in water-bearing tight gas reservoirs[J]. Geofluids, 2017.

[14] 张伟,曹仁义,罗东红,孙常伟,李伟.南海珠江口盆地海相砂岩油藏高倍数水驱驱替特征[J].油气地质与采收率,2018,25(02):64-71.

[15] 关云,曹仁义,徐锋,吕文贺,晋剑利.厚油层水驱开发效果及其影响因素剖析[J].断块油气田,2018,25(06):766-770.

[16] Rao X., Cheng L., Cao R., et al., A novel green element method by mixing the idea of the finite difference method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol.95(2018), pp. 238-247.

[17] Chen M., Cheng L., Cao R., et al., A Study to Investigate Fluid-Solid Interaction Effects on Fluid Flow in Micro Scales, Energies. Vol.11(2018), 2197.

[18] Cao R., Fang S., Jia P., et al., An efficient embedded discrete-fracture model for 2D anisotropic reservoir simulation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol.174(2019), pp.115-130.

[19] Cao R., Xu Z., Cheng L., et al. Study of Single Phase Mass Transfer between Matrix and Fracture in Tight Oil Reservoirs, Geofluids. Vol.2019(2019), 1038412.

[20] Dai Z., Jiang J., Li H., Cao R., Xin J., Luo D., Wettability experiment of core and mico-mechanism during high-multiple water flooding in heavy oil reservoir, Science Technology and Engineering, Vol.19, pp. 175-163.

[21] Rao X., Cheng L., Cao R., et al., A modified embedded discrete fracture model to study the water blockage effect on water huff-n-puff process of tight oil reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol.181(2019), 106232.

[22] Rao X., Cheng L., Cao R., et al., An efficient three-dimensional embedded discrete fracture model for production simulation of multi-stage fractured horizontal well, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol.106(2019), pp.473-492.

[23] Rao X., Cheng L., Cao R., et al., A mimetic Green element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol.99(2019), pp.206-221.

[24] Wang, D., Cheng L., Cao R., et al., The effects of the boundary layer and fracture networks on the water huff-n-puff process of tight oil reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol.176(2019), pp.466-480.

[25] Cheng L., Wang, D., Cao, R., & Xia, R., The influence of hydraulic fractures on oil recovery by water flooding processes in tight oil reservoirs: an experimental and numerical approach, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol.185(2019), 106572.

[26] Cao R., Wu Z., Liang, X., et al., Characteristics of imbibition in tight oil reservoirs from the perspective of physical experiments and theory, Energy Science & Engineering. Vol.8(2020), pp.3531-3543.

[27] Rao X., Cheng L., Cao R., et al., A modified projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) for practical and accurate numerical simulation of fractured reservoir, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol.187(2020), 106852.

[28] Chen M., Cheng L., Cao R., Lyu C., & Rao X., Carbon dioxide transport in radial miscible flooding in consideration of rate-controlled adsorption, Arabian Journal of Geosciences. Vol.13(2020).

[29] 曹仁义,马明,郭西峰,杨青,汤继业,王洪君.基于流管模子的低渗透油藏水驱平面波及系数盘算要领[J].油气地质与采收率,2021,28(02):100-108.

[30] 曹仁义,黄涛,程林松,高占武,贾志豪.水驱油藏中原油极性物质对吸赞许润湿性影响的分子模拟研究[J/OL].盘算物理:1-9[2021-09-04].

[31] Shi J., Cheng L., Cao R., Jia Z., & Liu G., Phase-field simulation of imbibition for the matrix-fracture of tight oil reservoirs considering temperature change, Water. Vol.13(2021), 1004.

[32] Cao R., Dai Z., Wang Z., Wang y., Jiang J., Li H., Jia Z., Displacement behavior and mechanism of long-term water flooding in sandstone oil reservoirs, Journal of Central South University. Vol.28(2021), pp.834-847.

[33] 王志凯,程林松,曹仁义,王进,贾品,王选茹.三维压裂痕网不稳固压力半剖析求解要领[J].力学学报,2021,53(08):2246-2256.

[34] 曹仁义,程林松,杜旭林,时俊杰,杨晨旭.致密油藏渗流纪律及数学模子研究希望.西南石油大学学报(自然科学版):1-25[2021-09-16].


[1] 程林松, 曹仁义,贾品. 高等渗流力学(第二版).石油工业出书社,2020.

[2] 程林松,贾品,曹仁义. 致密油藏体积压裂产能评价要领. 科学出书社,2020.


[1] 2009年,特低渗透油藏非线性渗流与开发手艺,教育部二等奖

[2] 2012年,稠油油藏开发评价手艺及应用,石油石化协会二等奖

[3] 2014年,边水气藏型储气库群提高调峰能力要害手艺及应用,石油石化协会三等奖

[4] 2014年,大张坨/板中北/板中南气库及库间水体结构及六座储气库地层运行压力评价研究,中石油集团公司三等奖

[5] 2015年,超稠油多介质辅助重力泄油渗流机理及开发要害手艺,石油石化协会三等奖

[6] 2017年,稠油多介质热力开采新理论及应用,教育部二等奖

[7] 2019年,致密储层多标准渗流机理与高精度仿真模拟手艺,石油石化协会二等奖


[1] 2011年,渗流力学重点课程建设,公海彩船(北京)第七届优异教学效果一等奖

[2] 2012年,高等渗流力学课程系统建设,公海彩船(北京)第八届优异教学效果一等奖

[3] 2017年,一直制多目的“渗流力学”课程系统和教学团队建设,公海彩船(北京)第十届校级优异教学效果奖二等奖

[4] 2021年,非通例油气开发配景下CDIO-OBE理念的研究生渗流类课程群建设,公海彩船(北京)教学效果奖二等奖

[5] 2020年,渗流力学,国家级一流本科课程,国家级,排名第3

[6] 指导中国石油工程设计大赛,获天下一等奖1项(2020年),天下二等奖1项(2021年),天下三等奖2项(2021年)


[1] 国家自然科学基金,致密储层流-固相互作用机制及非线性渗流模子,2017.01-2020.12

[2] 国家自然科学基金,多孔介质中泡沫微观运移机理及数学模子,2014.01-2016.12

[3] 国家973项目专题,致密油多相多标准流念头理及渗流理论研究-致密油非线性渗流数学模子,2017.01-2019.08

[4] 国家科技重大专项-专题,超低渗油藏缝网压裂水平井开发特征研究,2017.01-2020.12

[5] 中石油战略相助科技专项专题,地层能量评价与增补地层能量方法优化,2020.01-2024.12

[6] 中石油长庆油田项目,致密油水平井树模区渗流特征及数值模拟研究,2017

[7] 中石油勘探开发研究院项目,超低渗透油藏体积压裂渗吸采油新手艺研究,2018

[8] 中海油天津分公司项目,埕北油田“双高”阶段剩余油定量表征及提高采收率研究,2019

[9] 中石化勘探开发研究院项目,巴西盐下高含CO2碳酸盐岩油藏相态研究及开发模式,2020


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