






姓名: 贺艳晓

职称: 副教授、硕士生导师、博士生导师


2004-2008 东北石油大学(原大庆石油学院) 本科

2008-2011 公海彩船(北京) 硕士

2011-2015 英国利兹大学 博士

2015-2016 公海彩船(北京) 讲师

2016-2019 公海彩船(北京) 校青年拔尖人才

2016-至今 公海彩船(北京) 副教授

电子邮箱: eeyhe123@163.com


联系电话: 15811485456 ,010-89731581

所在系所: 碳中和树模性能源学院 ,地球物理学院-地球物理勘探系

研究偏向: 多频段岩石物理实验、理论与应用 ,时移地动与CO2地质封存监测 ,孔隙-裂痕介质超临界CO2有限元数值模拟

教学情形: 本科课程《岩石物理学》、《C语言程序设计》、《Matlab语言》、《地球物理》野外生产实习 ,研究生课程《地动数据处置惩罚和反演》(全英文)


[1] He, Y.-X., Wang, S.X., Xi, B., Tang, G.Y., Yin. H.J., Zhao, L.M., Sun, C. and Ma, X.Y., 2022,Role of pressure and pore microstructure on seismic attenuation and dispersion of fluid-saturated rocks: Laboratory experiments and theoretical modelling. Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggac286. (SCI)

[2] He, Y.-X.,He, W.-T., Zhang, M.F., Zhao P.Q., Liu, W.H., Ma, X.Y., Tang, G.Y., Wang, S.X., Li, G.F., Liu, J.Z. and Song, X.L., 2022, Sensitivity of seismic attenuation and dispersion to dynamic elastic interactions of connected fractures: Quasi-static finite element modeling study. Petroleum Science, doi: 10.1016/j.petsci.2022.08.024. (SCI)

[3] He, Y.-X., Wang, S.X., Sun, C., Tang, G.Y. and Zhu, W., 2021, Analysis of the frequency dependence characteristics of wave attenuation and velocity dispersion using a poroelastic model with mesoscopic and microscopic heterogeneities. Geophysical Prospecting, 69(6), 1260-1281, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.13101. (SCI)

[4] He, Y.-X., Wang, S.X , Guo, R., Yuan, S.Y., Zhao, J.G., Chen, M., 2021, An efficient phase decomposition of seismic reflections from thin-layer targets for better reservoir characterization. IEEE Geoscience and Remote and Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2021.3073819. (SCI)

[5] He, Y.-X., He, G., Yuan, S.Y., Zhao, J.G. and Wang, S.X., 2020, Bayesian frequency- frequency-dependent AVO inversion using an improved Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for quantitative gas saturation prediction in a thin layer. IEEE Geoscience and Remote and Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3046283. (SCI)

[6] He, Y.-X., Wang, S.X., Yuan, S.Y., Tang, G.Y. and Wu, X.Y., 2020, An improved approach for hydrocarbon detection using Bayesian inversion of frequency- and angle-dependent seismic signatures of highly attenuative reservoirs. IEEE Geoscience and Remote and Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3017627. (SCI)

[7] He, Y.-X., Li, X.-L., Tang, G.Y., Dong, C.H., Chen, M. and Wang, S.X., 2021, Modeling the effects of fracture fill on frequency-dependent anisotropy and AVO response of a fractured porous layer. Petroleum Science, 18(3), 758-772, doi: 10.1007/s12182-021-00555-0. (SCI)

[8] He, Y.-X., Wang, S.X., Tang, G.Y., Wu, X.Y. and Xi, B., 2021, Analysis of wave dispersion and attenuation effects on seismic low-frequency reflections of a poroelastic layer. Exploration Geophysics, 52(1), 77-97, doi: 10.1080/08123985.2020.1767504. (SCI)

[9] He, Y.-X., Wang, S.X., Wu, X.Y. and Xi, B., 2020, Influence of frequency-dependent anisotropy on seismic amplitude-versus-offset signatures for fractured poroelastic rocks. Geophysical Prospecting, 68(7), 2141-2163, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12981. (SCI)

[10] He, Y.-X. and Wang, S.X., 2020, Analysis of reservoir heterogeneity-induced amplification effect on time-lapse seismic responses of fluid substitution: A physical modelling study. Geophysical Prospecting, 68(6), 1906-1926, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12950. (SCI)

[11] He, Y.-X., Wang, S.X. and Wu, X.Y., 2020, Effects of patch size changes on the time-lapse seismic reflections of highly attenuating reservoirs. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 172, 103878, doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2019.103878. (SCI)

[12] He, Y.-X., Wu, X.Y., Wang, S.X. and Zhao, J.-G., 2019, Reflection dispersion signatures due to wave-induced pressure diffusion in heterogeneous poroelastic media. Exploration Geophysics, 50(5), 541-553, doi: 10.1080/08123985.2019.1606208. (SCI)

[13] He, Y.-X., Wu, X.Y., Fu, K., Zhou, D. and Wang, S.X., 2018, Modeling the Effect of Microscopic and Mesoscopic Heterogeneities on Frequency-Dependent Attenuation and Seismic Signatures. IEEE Geoscience and Remote and Sensing Letters, 15(8), 1174-1178, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2018.2829837. (SCI)

[14] He, Y.-X., Angus, D.A., Blanchard, T.D., Wang, G.-L., Yuan, S.-Y. and Garcia, A., 2016, Time-lapse seismic waveform modelling and attribute analysis using hydromechanical models for a deep reservoir undergoing depletion. Geophysical Journal International, 205(1), 389-407, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw020. (SCI)

[15] He, Y-X., Angus, D.A., Clark, R.A. and Hildyard, M.W., 2016, Analysis of time-lapse travel-time and amplitude changes to assess reservoir compartmentalization. Geophysical Prospecting, 64, 54-67, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12250. (SCI)

[16] He, Y.-X., Angus, D.A., Yuan, S.Y., Blanchard, T.D., Clark, R.A. and Hildyard, M.W., 2015, Time-lapse seismic interpretation in τ-p space using pre-stack data. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 24, 475-496. (SCI)

[17] He, Y.-X., Angus, D.A., Yuan, S.Y., and Xu, Y.G., 2015, Feasibility of time-lapse AVO and AVOA analysis to monitor compaction-induced seismic anisotropy. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 122, 134-148, doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.09.010. (SCI)

[18] Zhao, J.G., He, Y.-X.*, He, G., He, W.T., Li, Q. and Wang, S.X., 2021, A novel approach for evaluating gas saturation effects on the phase reversal characteristics of seismic AVO responses from strongly attenuating reservoirs. IEEE Geoscience and Remote and Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2021.3049265. (SCI)

[19] 欧阳芳, 赵开国, 李智, 肖增佳, 贺艳晓, 赵皓, 任静, 2021, 基于等效介质理论的孔隙纵横比漫衍反演. 地球物理学报, 64(3), 1016-1033. doi: 10.6038/cjg2021O0348. (SCI)

[20] 欧阳芳, 赵开国, 李智, 肖增佳, 贺艳晓, 邓继新, 赵皓, 任静, 2021, 基于微观孔隙结构特征的速率频散和衰减模拟. 地球物理学报, 64(3), 1034-1047. doi: 10.6038/cjg2021O0355. (SCI)

[21] Dong, Chunhui, Tang, Gengyang, Wang, Shangxu and He, Yanxiao, 2017, Numerical Simulation and analysis for low-frequency rock physics measurements. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 14, 1203-1214, doi.org/10.1088/1742-2140/aa7300. (SCI)

[22] Wang, S.X., Yuan, S.Y., Yan, B.P., He, Y-X. and Sun, W.J., 2016, Directional complex-valued conherence attributes for discontinuous edge detection. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 129, 1-7, doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.03.016. (SCI)

[23] Yuan, S.Y., Wang, S.X., Luo, C.M. and He, Y-X., 2015, Simultaneous multitrace impedance inversion with transform-domain sparsity promotion. Geophysics, 80(2), R71-R80, doi: 10.1190/GEO2014-0065.1. (SCI)

[24] 赵立明, 唐跟阳, 王尚旭, 董春晖, 贺艳晓, 赵开国, 孙超, 韩旭, 2019, 低频地动岩石物理丈量系统刷新及致密砂岩实验研究. 石油科学转达, 4(2), 111-122.


[1] He, Y-X., Fu, K., Wu, X.Y., Wang, T.Y. and Wang, S.X., 2018, Using hydro-mechanical simulation models to assess the influences of media heterogeneity on time-lapse seismic signatures. 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, Expanded Abstracts, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201801288. June 2018, Volume 2018, p.1-5 (EI)

[2] He, Y-X., Zhou, D., Chen, S. and Wang, S.-X., 2017, 4D seismic responses of heterogeneous reservoirs using lab physical modelling to understand uncertainties in seismic attributes. 79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Paris, France, Expanded Abstracts, p 4781-4785, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201700694. (EI)

[3] He, Y-X. and Angus, D.A., 2014, Pre-stack time-lapse seismic attributes analysis in tau-p domain. 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Expanded Abstracts, p 4781-4785, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20141255. (EI)

[4] He, Y-X., Angus, D.A., Hildyard, M.W. and Clark, R.A., 2013, Time-lapse seismic waveform modelling – Anisotropic ray tracing using hydro-mechanical simulation models. 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, London, U.K., Expanded Abstracts, p 4055-4059, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20130855. (EI)

[5] Li, Q., He, Y-X., He, G., Li, H., Zhang, M.F. and Wang, S.X., 2022. A novel phase decomposition method for improved reservoir characterization of thin layers. 83rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Madrid, Spain, Expanded Abstracts. (EI)

[6] He, W.T., He, Y-X., Li, X.L. and Wang, S.X., 2022. A Novel Method for Numerically Calculating Seismic Attenuation and Modulus Dispersion in Partially Fluid Saturated Rock. 83rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Madrid, Spain, Expanded Abstracts. (EI)


[1] 基于多标准岩石物理模子的AVAF模拟要领及装置. ZL 2018 1 0047664.1, 2019年授权 ,排名第1.

[2] 多标准波致流模子的建设要领、装置及装备. ZL 2020 10651687.0, 2022年授权 ,排名第1.

[3] 分相位地动数据的处置惩罚要领、装置及效劳器. ZL 2020 11051918.0, 2022年授权 ,排名第1.

[4] 地动波速率频散及衰减的展望要领、装置及系统. ZL 2021 10296036.9, 2022年授权 ,排名第1.


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 ,《面向非均质油藏动态表征的物理模拟实验研究》 ,2019.01-2021.12, 主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金团结基金项目(企业立异生长团结基金) ,项目名称:《海相深层油气富集机理与要害工程手艺基础研究》 ,课题名称:《海相深层重大结构成像与多类型储层展望要领》 ,专题《深层高温高压储层低频岩石物理响应机理》 ,2020年01月01日-2023年12月31日 ,加入(专题认真人)

[3] 国家自然科学基金重点基金项目 ,《稠油油藏多频段岩石物理实验、理论及应用研究》 ,2020.01-2024.12 ,加入(排名第3)

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目 ,《球面波反射系数低一再变的一种精练形貌及在小角度资料密度反演中的应用》 ,2017.01-2020.12 ,加入

[5] 国家重点研发妄想项目 ,《高区分率地动实时成像理论与手艺》 ,2019.09-2024.08月 ,加入

[6] 中国石油科技立异基金研究项目 ,《重大介质条件下的地动散射波储层参数反演要领研究》, 2018.07—2020.06 ,认真人 。

[7] 北京市自然科学基金面上项目 ,《深层致密油藏地动频段岩石物理实验、理论及应用研究》 ,2022.01—2024.12 ,认真人

[8] 北京市自然科学基金青年项目 ,《基于物理实验与数值模拟的非均质储层动态响应特征研究》 ,2017.01—2018.12 ,认真人

[9] 公海彩船(北京)青年拔尖人才基金项目 , 《基于岩石物理及4D地入手艺举行储层特征化》 ,2016.01—2019.12 ,认真人

[10] 中国石化地球物理重点实验室开放基金项目 ,《深部致密砂岩储层跨频段岩石物理实验丈量与剖析研究》 ,2021.01—2022.12 ,认真人

[11] 中国石化弹性波理论与探测手艺重点实验室开放基金项目 ,《孔裂隙介质频率域粘弹性波动方程地动响应高精度模拟与AVO特征剖析》 ,2021.01—2022.12 ,认真人


[1] 中国地球物理学会会员

[2] SEG(美国勘探地球物理学家协会)会员

[3] EAGE(欧洲地质学家与工程师学会)会员






2020级:李琪、Ali Gamal (也门)

2021级:李画、张孟凡、闫国庆、Martins Obidiegwu (乌干达)




地点:北京市昌平区府学路18号 邮编:102249

